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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Registry Not Being Deleted

Nathan9222's picture
Submitted by Nathan9222 on March 5, 2008 - 3:18am

; insert regkeys to use separated by "||", comment out, when not used,
; e.g. HKCU\Software
!define REGKEYS ""
; If a file "Registry.reg" within the data directory is found then it is read
; and all child registry keys are processed as if they'd have been set within

I put the the registry in the data folder and it adds the registry but its not being deleted.then later in the script there is this to delete the registry
; Delete actual actual registry key (with portable content)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Business packaging

Submitted by tessmonsta on March 4, 2008 - 10:11am

I'm from a company interested in including portable 7zip in our IT training material. Our training material is distributed as printed books and one or more DVDs containing a compressed VMware image. I'd like to be able to include 7zip on the first disk to decompress the VMware image.

Are there any licensing considerations here? We're not interested in modifying the application in any way, merely saving the end-user a download.


Launchers & Installers

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on March 4, 2008 - 7:26am

Anyone who uses the Launcher and Installer to create their own versions or adaptions finds himself besides the usual adaption, entering similar information several times.

For example, both Launcher and Installer need AppName, PortableName, ExecutableName etc.


Having an AppInfo.nsh that is included in both the Launcher and Setup that contains the AppName, AppVersion and AppShortName etc. Then this is being included into the launcher and setup, using one file. Less work to update or change and less chance of typos Smile

General Ideas

Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on March 4, 2008 - 5:43am

I've been busy the past week and I'd just like to note what has happened and make a few generic comments. If I've missed anything you think I should know, let me know here.

Translation Team
I've noticed we now have an official beta testing team. As Patrick would say (while driving up in pimped out mini-van), w00t w00t! Blum
Along these lines, I think we need an official translation team. (Hold your thoughts until I finish)

Ultralight Laptops

consul's picture
Submitted by consul on March 3, 2008 - 5:47pm

I was wondering if anyone has any of those tiny laptops that run on winxp, like QDO and thier ilk. Has anyone used the portable apps on them? I would presume that they work the same as it would on normal PCs. Screen size would seem to be my only concern.

Update to Application Compatibility page?

Submitted by bassix on March 3, 2008 - 4:22pm

It seems like this page is a little out of date:

It does not have a lot of the newer released Portable Apps. Particularly I'm interested in Wine/Linux compatibility.

Are there plans to update this page? Does anyone else have any information on newer Portable Apps' compatibility with Wine/Linux?

