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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.


Nathan9222's picture
Submitted by Nathan9222 on March 1, 2008 - 5:11pm

Hello, im having problems with a nsis script im compiling. IM Having trouble with the "VIProductVersion", it always says "Error: invalid VIProductVersion format, should be X.X.X.X
Error - aborting creation process" and i have tried to figure out what is wrong but cant. What do u put in VIProductVersion part, i looked at another NSIS script and it had this in its place VIProductVersion "${Ver}" i put that in and i still get the same error message, also i put in my products version, which is "4.13.5" and i still get the same error message. Any help will be appreciated.

Question about posting to old forum topics

Submitted by millarrp on February 29, 2008 - 10:23pm

I just wanted to get a little bit of clarification on this before I went ahead and did this.

Since I've made the plunge to Vista, I've been going back and testing some of the older apps I've liked (TunnelVision Portable and WinBoard Portable to name a few).

I would like to add the results of the tests to the original post but at the same time I don't want to start bumping older topics either.

Thoughts/opinions would be appreciated.

Best RSS feeds?

LeGrandTaupier's picture
Submitted by LeGrandTaupier on February 29, 2008 - 8:41pm

Hi all,

I would like what your favorite RSS feeds are.

Recently I read some of you talk about one "on software", seemed cool, but I lost it.

Please share your findings on this media I am not too familiar with (except for the Portable Apps feed Smile )

need an process viewer

powerjuce's picture
Submitted by powerjuce on February 29, 2008 - 5:20pm

hey all
first of all i am not sure if this is the place i should put this but i am not sure where it should go so a big thanks got out to the mod that can tell/put this in the right place.

i found a process viewer that will let you quit processes, i am now looking for an open source version. I hav spent about two days on sourceforge searching and could not find anything.
so if someone could help me out that would be great.

1) has to be run from the command line Update (Week of Feb 25, 2008)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on February 29, 2008 - 4:30pm

New update here:

Howdy all and welcome to another exciting Update. I know this is falling a little late in the week, so it's really more of a week summary rather than a what's coming, but at least it's here. And they ran out of punch and pie at the store, so there's cookies and Fresca in the back today.

Updating Current Portable Apps (FINALLY COMPLETED!!)

Carefull with NSIS..

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on February 29, 2008 - 3:23am

I was working on a way to COPY and REMOVE folders in Application Data when I accidentally removed ALL sub folders Application Data while I thought I removed only Application Data\testfolder.

Even my quick launch bar is now gone Sad

Some of NSIS are very sketchy and googling didn't help either. Well I found a 'solution' but that wiped my whole Application Data folder clean. I have no idea how to restore it or what will happen if I reboot...

association with rar/zip files

Submitted by gugudl on February 28, 2008 - 12:40pm

Is there anyway to make portableapps open rar/zip files?
in my pen drive is better to keep the files compressed instead .exe. because that way, i can safe some space.Files .exe are bigger than .zip/.rar.So would better i add files .rar/.zip in the main menu but as far i know i can't do that due the file association with .exe or .paf.exe.
any idea?

and sorry for my bad english.

thanks all
