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Buy a Flash Drive with PAM already installed?

nocr's picture
Submitted by nocr on June 7, 2007 - 7:24pm

I bought a new flash drive recently (Corsair Flash Voyager GT) and when I plugged it in, I was surprised to see that it came with TrueCrypt.
Which is nice, I mean, but I wasn't expecting them to bundle freeware with their drives.

Maybe this could be an opportunity for John, having his PA Suite bundled with brand new flash drives. I'm sure there are some competitors of SanDisk who would appreciate having an alternative to U3 to put on their drives.

No U3 For SanDisk Vista

Submitted by o0MattE0o on June 7, 2007 - 5:20pm

I have a "4GB Titanium SanDisk U3 USB Drive", very nice USB Drive but the problem is SanDisk are not releasing a VISTA update for it to work with VISTA.

and as far as I know your PA dose.

But I have a few programes that I use allot on my U3 Drive wich are:-

Foxit Reader (PDF Reader)
Open Office (Office Blum )
ShutterFly (Photo Album Organiser)
Registry Mechanic


Submitted by Moeshun on June 7, 2007 - 12:38am

Is there a portable application available that will require a "sign-in" password before allowing PA suite to run? Would like to be able to lock the flash drive like the U3 drives.

Multilingual issues = different localization ?

Submitted by brennos on June 6, 2007 - 7:25pm

As many of you I don't belong to Anglo-Saxon world.
I a Swede studying Slavic languages - it means - that I am word processing and using spreadsheets with in those languages. Hoping that the linguistic integrity of the files will be preserved.
Entering different foreign characters seamlessly is into AbiWord is as I understand not possible. You have to restart for each for each language that differs from preceding one. What about OpenOffice Portable ? Is different localization possible in a portable world ?


Autorun help

Submitted by tokelove on June 6, 2007 - 7:38am

Im using Pstart and pam but want autorun to give me the option to open pstart or pam. so i can pick pstart if im at college cuz it has no icon try for pam, or open pam if im at home or something and i have an icon try.


So Confused

Submitted by tokelove on June 5, 2007 - 10:48am

right. im really really new to this portable applications thing but it seems like a really good thing. so ive used the trial of ceedo, read alot about u3 and am now using this nice portableapps thingy.
