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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

USB Drive Reviews (Rate Your Flash Drive)

Submitted by .Nick. on May 31, 2007 - 10:56am

Ok, Here's a thread where you can rate your flash drive(s) on a scale of 1-10, and list some of it's pros/cons.
(I just thought this might be interesting, and also informative for those who are looking to purchase a new USB drive)

My Flash Drive: (Name of Drive, with or without link to picture)
Rating: (1-10)

Mine is:

My Flash Drive: SanDisk Cruzar Micro

Supporting other OSs

Submitted by joeblakesley on May 30, 2007 - 7:08pm

I've been wondering ever since this site started why you only support Microsoft Windows (and I've finally bothered to get myself a forum account). Thanks for offering a great service BTW.

It would really be useful, for Portable Apps where this is possible, to have an archive that includes the binaries for MSW, GNU/Linux and MacOS with shared settings.

Closing KeePass, nPOP, and stickies.-

Aciago's picture
Submitted by Aciago on May 29, 2007 - 1:53pm

This is probably not the right place to ask... but If you don't ask, you don't receive an answer... Blum

I'm using PStart, when I close PStart, I have an entry to convey with -exit and "run on exit" that works very good.

I just want to know if there is a way like that (I don't see this kind of command lines in help files on other apps) to close/exit/quit, not kill, apps like specifically KeePass, nPOP and stickies...

Thanks in advance.-

Getting a flash drive recognised as Local not Removable

Submitted by fergus on May 29, 2007 - 10:04am

A flash drive is conventionally recognised in Windows as Removable, but there are advantages to getting it recognised as Local, like the built in hard drive and external IDE drives.

>> there is a thread around here describing that problem ...

Couldn't find it unfortunately: so I'm sorry if I end up repeating well-known stuff, or -- worse -- stealing somebody else's thunder.

>> Windows only supports one mounted partition on a flash-drive.
>> Linux doesn't have this limitation so once again it's M$ deciding
>> for you what you may or may not do with your hardware.

Thumb prob has me stumped...

Submitted by Preacher on May 28, 2007 - 11:40pm

...Hey guys & gals, here's one to puzzle over:

I DLd some Linux ISOs onto my sister's PC a cpl days ago, and put 'em on my 4 GB thumbdrive by way of "moving" 'em there.
I went home to transfer them to my own PC, and while the File Mgr recognized that they were on there and told me their (correct) filesizes, it refused to move them on over to my PC. It generated an error message that the files were "corrupt" and "unreadable", advising me to run scandisk/checkdisk on the thumbdrive.

Microsoft and U3?

Submitted by rfox on May 28, 2007 - 9:12pm

Old news, I'm aware, but I wanted to see your thoughts on this.

Apparently, Microsoft is teaming up with Sandisk to develop (or replace) U3 to make it more customizable.

"The new offering will be designed so that users can carry their personal computing environment — including a customized and familiar user interface, applications and data — on a flash storage device such as a USB flash drive or flash memory card."

portable external order apps

Submitted by gortex3D on May 27, 2007 - 12:36pm

Hello everyone.

I wanted to know if there is an order to make it possible to open portable apps when he is launched? When I launch it it to create me one 2ieme menu but I just wish to open the window. It is possible to prevent the multiple opening of portableapps?

How to make so that on an external hard disk portableapps launches out automatically without having the Windows window which requires of me what I want to make, to make as for CD?

Truecrypt without admin privilidges

Submitted by PedleZelnip on May 27, 2007 - 10:19am

I'm sure this has been asked before but I wanted to be totally sure:

- is there anyway one can use TrueCrypt ( on a Windows machine without administrator privilidges?

On my USB stick I have a good size TC partition with all my data, but when I go to the computers at school I can't do anything with it as I don't have admin privilidges on those computers.

