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Beta Testing

Testing of beta versions of apps before public release. Portable 2.3 BETA German

MarkoMLM's picture
Submitted by MarkoMLM on September 24, 2007 - 5:20am

Hi @all,
in the past the German (Language) team has released two versions of OOo Portable.

One version released here on was the one You know (without python support) same as the en version. The other one with python support was released on /

Now we plan to release only one version in the future, Portable with Python Support as option for additional install.

I don't know Johns plans for Portable 2.3 but if he like it, it could be a solution for the en version too.

Simple Spreadsheet Portable Beta 1 (Testers Needed)

Espreon's picture
Submitted by Espreon on September 22, 2007 - 10:38pm

Simple Spreadsheet is a bare-bones spreadsheet app. It is intended for peeps that need a spreadsheet with pretty much no features.

(May take a few mins to hit all servers)

Also I put the .nsi up for download.

Sorry I did not use the PortableAppsInstaller but Simple Spreadsheet is Public Domain.

To do:

Rocks'n'Diamonds Portable 3.2.4 Pre-release 3 (Testers needed)

Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on September 21, 2007 - 8:49pm

Since Patrick keeps bugging me, I've finally decided to release this one. Blum

Rocks'n'Diamonds Portable is the popular Rocks'n'Diamonds game packaged in a portable format. It is an arcade style game with support for the Sokoban level format. Plus, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your game wherever you go.

Rocks'n'Diamonds Portable Pre-release 3

For anyone interested, the reason it took so long is because:

    SeaMonkey Portable Launcher Test 1 (for 2.0 Betas/Alphas/Nightlies)

    John T. Haller's picture
    Submitted by John T. Haller on September 21, 2007 - 2:05pm

    I've just posted a test of the SeaMonkey launcher for the upcoming 2.0 release. SeaMonkey (formerly known as Mozilla Suite) is an internet suite with a web browser, html editor, email, etc. It's what Firefox, Thunderbird and Sunbird were originally based on. It looks like they're finally implementing the -profile switch that allows it to become portable. So, I've put together the launcher for it.

    CDisplayEx Portable 1.4_PRE-RELEASE5 (TESTERS NEEDED) - March 15, 2008

    Submitted by wsm23 on September 20, 2007 - 9:36pm

    This is not really my work, I have just sort of been the general contractor on this.

    What: "CDisplayEx is a Comic reader based on CDisplay. It uses the popular 7-zip plugins to read many archives types like cbr cbz cbt rar zip tar 7z lzh arj cab tar.gz tar.bz2. It supports jpeg png gif and bmp images."
    Where: CDisplayEx 1.4 Developed by Henri Gourvest
    Size: About 1.7Mb (2.54Mb installed)

    Xenon File Manager Portable 1.2.9 Beta

    John Bentley's picture
    Submitted by John Bentley on September 20, 2007 - 1:04pm

    I have just released an update for Xenon File Manager Portable.

    Basically Xenon is a file manager that allows one to take file associations with you.

    Fixed: A lot of bugs (mostly due to upgrading to AutoIt beta which broke a lot of functions).
    Fixed: Directory loading is less flashy.

    Added: Option to hide ".."
    Added: Right click -> new file
    Added: Tile View
    Added: Dates + Version Info in Properties window.

    Changed: Awesome new icon set modified by NeoRame!


    GnuCash 2.2.1 Portable - Beta 0.4 (Testers Needed)

    Submitted by IllusionofDemise on September 19, 2007 - 11:41am


    GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.

    Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.

    Feature Highlights

    PrivateData Eradicator Portable Beta 1 (Testers Needed).

    Espreon's picture
    Submitted by Espreon on September 17, 2007 - 9:50pm

    I made this little app to eradicate private data Window$ makes. This app eradicates the Recent Documents, stuff in the Temp folder and in the Temporary Internet Settings.

    It is release under the GPL. And of course this is gonna be released in my Suites.

    The source is included with the app:

    (May take a few mins to hit all servers)


    To do list:

    -Use the nicer GUI
    -Add options to decide what is eradicated

    Blender Portable 2.45 Pre-Release 5 (Testers Needed)

    tanisthalon's picture
    Submitted by tanisthalon on September 16, 2007 - 9:47am


    The Blender Portable Launcher is a simple launcher allowing Blender to appear in the PortableApps Menu. Blender is the open source software for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback.

    Blender Portable has moved to here

    Python Portable has moved to here

    Pre-release 2: 20/10/07 22:41 GMT

    CommandPromptPortable 1.0.1beta (maybe)

    Submitted by rab040ma on September 15, 2007 - 9:24pm

    I wanted one more level of customization in CommandPromptPortable -- Filename and Path completion. (It defaults to "off" on many machines.) So I decided to modify the existing CommandPromptPortable to provide that.

    I tried to follow the version 1 source as much as possible.

    The way it works is: it reads the two settings from an ini file, updates the registry before executing cmd.exe, then puts the regisry back the way it was. When it first runs, if there is no ini file, it reads the current settings from the host machine and stores them in the ini file.
