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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

[Found] Search for an app [Sweet Home 3D]

Submitted by galileox86 on May 26, 2010 - 2:24am

First sorry for poor topic.

So the main question is, i'm pretty sure there was such an app for the portable apps but i can't find this app now.

The app was to do technical projects, design you home put there your walls and many other stuffs but i don't remember this app name and i cant find this. Please if you know let mi know how it names but i'm beagin you do not give me response like search in google becouse i don't know how to ask about this app.

Regards Smile


Submitted by doublebars on May 25, 2010 - 7:04am

I assume that all the various packages available in portable format are packaged at least with the authors' permission, and probably cooperation. Yet when one goes to the home site for most applications there is no reference to PortableApps anywhere to be seen.

Why do so few authors acknowledge the existence of PortableApps, have links to the PortableApps site, or offer any visible way of downloading the portable rather than installable versions of their products?

Computer Restore and Back-up

Submitted by poundsblake on May 24, 2010 - 1:35pm

Well, I think this is a request and discussion. I have had a computer that has crashed and won't boot-up to the log on screen. I can't find a great back-up to restore it to its better state of condition. I have a Windows XP and this is waht I'm talking about. There should be a auto boot-up for portableapps so you don't have to have your computer fully loaded. So it can perform diagnostic actions. Don't you think? I think... no I know this would be a great accomplishment for someone that knows how to do it. I am not that advanced in my studying yet so.

Portable Win XP on a flashdisk

Submitted by Psi_Co_Killa on May 23, 2010 - 7:31am

Hi guys

i found this while trawelling the net 1 day + I am sure it will make some1 happy.
Theres a guy called LocoCobra that has a portable version of MS VPC for download-it requires the user to finish it - but the instructions are clear + easy to follow.

link :
check out his other projects 2 -interresting stuff...

Copy his MS-VPC folder then get a proper copy of MSVPC installer
Simply install MS-VPC 2004/2007 onto ur PC - then copy some files to his MS-VPCfolder + un-install again.Then put it on a flashdisk + test on another PC (its that simple...)

RE: BartPE Article in 2600 Magazine (Spring 2010, Vol 27, #1)

Submitted by binar on May 23, 2010 - 12:14am

Fellow Forum Members,
A clever fellow has written a great BartPE howto article that has been published in the Spring 2010, Vol 27, #1 issue of the 2600 Hackers Quaterly magazine. You can download the issue for free as a PDF from this website:


This BartPE howto article has pumped up my juices and now I have a strong desire to setup a portable version of Windows XP Pro that I can bootup on any PC from a USB stick and/or a CD. I want to run FireFox, Irfranview, Gimp and OpenOffice.

How Many Are Forced to Make Portable Apps?

Submitted by Buckshot101 on May 22, 2010 - 11:32am

Wondered how many people had to make programs portable because of compatability issues?

Earlier this month, I took the plunge and upgraded my office desktop to a laptop -- had been putting it off as I knew the time involved in setting up a new computer, reloading programs, and etc...

Anyways, I went laptop this time around for the office instead of replacing with another desktop.

I was hestitant to go with 64bit version but could not find a 32bit version I was interested in.
