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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Looking for Folder Match / File Compare Utility - to compare two disk or two directory trees

Submitted by Mel_3 on May 18, 2010 - 7:58pm

I've used the application named FolderMatch and like it but it is not a portable app and it cost $30 per copy...

I would like to find a Portable App that does the same thing.

I use it after massive copies... to check to see if everything copied OK.

Or to find which files are different in deep directory structures.

Anybody know of anything that will do this in a Portable App?

Thanks for any help.

Open Source SD Formatter?

Submitted by Ace Faith on May 18, 2010 - 7:07pm

Hello forums,

I need to know if there's an open source OR freeware SD-card formatter for Windows? I care to know because I need a formatter for an automated installer. I looked into the Panasonic SD Formatter, which is a fantastic piece of work, but it's not for redistribution, obviously. All and any assitance is appreciated.

Ace Faith.

Open more than one program with autorun.inf

Submitted by Starport592 on May 17, 2010 - 6:46pm

Okay... I don't even know where this post goes but i'm going to put in the general discusion hoping that it's the right place. Okay, so everybody knows that you can only open one program with autorun.inf. I found out the hard way wasting 5 hours of my precious life trying to do so. There is no way (That i know of) to open more than one in an .inf. However, recently I've come across .bat files. I noticed that you could automate a computer to do a lot of thigns in very little time, and it got me thinking. I created a .bat file that looked something like this:

@echo off

Wanted: Qur'an Software to Portablize, or Qur'an in PDF or similar

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on May 14, 2010 - 11:42am

I want to flush out our religion section in Education, so I'd like to do a Qur'an app portably. I haven't found a solid one, but if anyone else has a suggestion that would be great.

Alternatively, we could bundle a Qur'an in PDF with a modded version of Sumatra PDF which could also serve the purpose. The launcher could do language switching as well.

Wanted: Torah Software to Portablize, or Torah in PDF or similar

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on May 14, 2010 - 11:40am

I want to flush out our religion section in Education, so I'd like to do a Torah app portably. I haven't found a solid one, but if anyone else has a suggestion that would be great.

Alternatively, we could bundle a Torah in PDF with a modded version of Sumatra PDF which could also serve the purpose. The launcher could do language switching as well.

Site suggestion?

vf2nsr's picture
Submitted by vf2nsr on May 14, 2010 - 10:32am

I know that this is a big request? Would it be possible to have at the bottom of each page a hyperlink to the top of that page? Would make it easier to navigate forums for instance I usually peruse the recent posts first, when a post has many replies I have to do a lot of scrolling to get back to the top to hit "recent posts" to view the next topic. Would be easy id I could hit top of page and then hit recent posts.

Hope this makes sense.
