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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

RSSOwl feeds lost between PCs?

Submitted by helloworld on June 12, 2010 - 7:14am

I have installed the RSSOwl protable into my movable hardisk and import all of my rss feeds into it on the computer which in my offices. Unfortunately, the feeds disappear when I move to home after open the RSSOwl. Perhaps I missed some settings. However I am really new to RSSOwl
Anyone know where the feeds stored? And how can I fix the issues.
Have a good day/evening/night...Thanks so much!

Portable apps not working in Windows 2008

Submitted by jorgeantonio on June 11, 2010 - 11:05am

I have my collection of portable apps working well in my laptop with Windows 7. Now I'm trying to find why this apps are not working on my Workstation. The Workstation is running Windows 2008 R2 and I'm copying the apps through the network to a local drive in the Workstation. It seems like security settings or something like that.
If some one know about what security setting or how to allow this apps to works well in 2008, please let me know.

Thank you!

Java Portable

Submitted by riccardodi2222 on June 10, 2010 - 12:36pm

I have installed many applications on my portable apps, but I can't install Java Portable: the icon never shows up and neither openoffice, nor Firefox say that it's installed. I would appreciate any help.

Thank you.

Donating with PayPal

Submitted by constantino on June 7, 2010 - 10:50am

I LOVE PortableApps and I LOVE the work you guys put in to it.

Really I wish I had the time and knowledge to be able to contribute something more than just bug reporting or forum posts because I honestly believe you guys are LEGENDS.

This brings me onto my main point...


Really I cant express how strong my feelings are against it. Now I am not going to rant about "how could you possibly only allow us to donate by PayPal!", but I would like to ask whether there are any plans to introduce any alternatives to donating with PayPal?

Security Question

Submitted by Andrew Simpson on June 7, 2010 - 6:04am

We're thinking of using PortableApps in a different way. We offer group training courses over IP telephony (for example, Skype), but a lot of companies do not allow external software to be loaded on their PCs which means we often have to use MS Messenger, which frankly, isn't very good. However, as PortableApps do not save any files to the hard disk of the PC or leave any registers, apparently we can give a USB pen-drive to our clients and they can use Skype without compromising the security of their corporate network. Question: Is this a reasonable theory or just wishful thinking?

Forum Suggestion

Submitted by jonahback on June 5, 2010 - 7:19pm

I have 2 suggestions for the forums. The 1st is that you shut down the u3 apps part of the forums. It gets hardly any activity, and really isnt relevant anymore.

The 2nd is that a support forum is opened specifically for Google Chrome. Chrome is by far the most asked about topic in the general support forum, and is gaining enough use that i believe it should have its own forum.

Thanks in advance for considering these, whether they are applied or not

1.6.1 Suite themes

Submitted by Ed_P on June 4, 2010 - 2:25am

I just upgraded to the 1.6.1 Suite and I see in the's DefaultData folder multiple Themes. How do I switch from the Default red theme to a different theme? There is nothing in the PAM's Options menu to do it and I didn't see anything in the .ini files indicating which theme to use.

New to this - what to do when a new version arrives?

Submitted by benyben on June 4, 2010 - 2:24am

I am new to this PortableApps thing (-:

I am just wondering: I am using a portable version of Chrome on my PC. But just now a newer version have arrived here to this site. So - how do I "upgrade"? I mean, should I overwrite, or delete and install again (but than - what about my old data)?

THANK you!
