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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

[Feature Request] Inline search

Submitted by rokujou on August 13, 2008 - 6:55am

Sorry if someone has requested this before, I did search but found no other similar feature requests.

I'm just wondering about the possibility of adding an inline search to the menu, similar to how Windows Vista's inline search works. Search Indexing could be local to the drive and this would make searching much faster than the host machine's search.

KingMax SuperStick 8GB incredibly slow!

Submitted by blis102 on August 12, 2008 - 3:48pm

Hey all,

Just got a Kingmax Superstick 8gb ( yesterday and install portable apps plus FF3, OpenOffice, Putty, 7zip, Gimp, FileZilla, KeePass, VLC, Task Coach and GNUCash on the drive and when running FF3 I am getting realllllly slow speeds (2x-3x slower than native firefox), so I have a few questions:

1) Does having more apps slow down PA even if Im just using one app at a time?

portable player for swf

Submitted by SwampCat on August 12, 2008 - 11:14am

Hi Guys,

I have tons of swf files. I know how to play them and/or convert them
I have all needed to play them on XP and all. That is not a problem...
... but I have to give those written to MP3-palyer or USB Stick
The "destination computer" have nothing and people there don't understand a thing about PC.
I explained to them how to use portable VLC and/or Mplayer
Problem is that VLC don't play swf and Mplayer plays them in "fastest motion possible" Smile

Best Filesystem/Allocation unit size to use?

Submitted by Kane3162 on August 12, 2008 - 2:22am

I know many people would say defaults but as a gamer/tech I have come to realize... defaults suck...

Before (like when XP first came out...) I just let it format with defaults... since then however I have come to customize everything... even now I notice a performance gain from my WD Raptor's when I use 64k unit allocation for OS Drive/Game Drive/Storage drive...

So i guess my reason for this post... Whats the best FileSystem/Allocation Unit size?

I have the following as options...
FAT32 - 512b/1024b/2048b/4096b/8192b/16384b/32768b/65536b
