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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Banners & Buttons

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on March 21, 2008 - 12:45pm


Where can I find banners and buttons to make a link to this site?

If none are available, can I use a screenshot of parts of the site to make some?

I can share them back with you to use on your 'link to us' webpage.


Banner and button standard sizes
Leaderboard: 90x728
Full banner: 60x468
Half banner: 60x234
Button 1: 90x120
Button 2: 60x120
Micro bar: 31x88
Micro button: 15x80
Vertical banner: 240x120
Square button: 125x125

Release Tech Needed

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on March 21, 2008 - 3:59am


Could one of the release techs attach the Toucan 2 Alpha to the project please (development test section), I have already uploaded it. I emailed Ryan but realised that he hates Sourceforge!

Thanks, I will delete this post after a tech has replied Smile

Possible Winamp Launcher

Submitted by Devo on March 20, 2008 - 3:38pm

I need a little help writing a batch file. I'm using winamp on my flash drive and it requires 1 registry entry to check if it is the pro version or not. I would like the batch file to:

1. backup the current winamp registry entry if it exists
2. apply my registry entry
3. start winamp
then when winamp is closed
4. delete my registry entry
5. and apply the backed up registry if it existed.

Installer clarification please

Submitted by Jacob Mastel on March 20, 2008 - 3:10pm

I made a stickies portable launcher and used the portable apps installer. I was told the the installer could only be used for open source apps. I'm a little confused because in the launcher code it says:

;EXCEPTION: Can be used with non-GPL apps distributed by

Can someone clarify for me what the exact rule is. Because SpeQ portable is freeware and also uses the portable apps installer but nobody corrected that. I'm a little confused would somebody clarify this for me.

Portable Apps, Root, and Windows

Tim Clark's picture
Submitted by Tim Clark on March 20, 2008 - 2:00pm

Portable Apps, Root, and Windows.

In a recent post the question of where to put portable apps on a hard drive came up.
It seems to me that the ideal place would be:


If this were the case it seems that they could easily be transfered to and from different portable drives and hard drives with no difficulties involved.

C:\PortableApps\... HARD
D:\PortableApps\... HARD
g:\PortableApps\... flash
j:\PortableApps\... external hard etc,etc.

I have not done this myself for two reasons:

1. Privacy, limited users cannot get into:
