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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

"Views" column

Submitted by dark_yux on April 3, 2008 - 11:55am

I see some of the changes in the website and I am wondering if a "view column" will be added. A view column would be a column that displays how many times a thread has been viewed and not just commented on. Sometimes you wonder if certain threads (some of the "0" comment ones) are even being looked at, not necessarily any of mine.

Is my data visible to others on a network?

Submitted by Bucky Goldstein on April 2, 2008 - 9:29pm

I am fairly new to the Portable Apps software and i looked for the answer to this question before posting, but couldn't find one. I purchased a U3 thumb drive which came with some Portable Apps software pre-loaded on it. After a few days i just about only use the Portable Apps stuff for daily computer use (basically email, browsing and file storage). I do use the password protection feature on my U3 thumbdrive.

Site trouble with

Submitted by NateHowe on April 2, 2008 - 11:47am

[Edit: It's back now. Perhaps too many people trying to access it at once?]

Looks like the main page is currently inaccessible due to a Drupal problem. I accessed the forum through a Google search, so it looks like the whole back end of things is fine, but the front page is gone. brings up a standard Drupal install page:

Unable to connect to database server

If you still have to install Drupal, proceed to the installation page.

config files...

sergentsiler's picture
Submitted by sergentsiler on April 2, 2008 - 10:04am

is there any way to use a configuration file to relocate things like where the dirve space slider shows up? cuz i have this problem, i developed this awesome skin for my PAM but i didnt place everything correctly and so the drive space slider and the X button are in different locals from the original pam so... is there a way to adust the PAM so the slider and X button are relocated to the places on my PAM.

What comes in the Standard Suite 89.5 M

Submitted by Phil McCrevice on April 1, 2008 - 5:13pm

Can you tell me what exactly comes with the Standard Suite. Does this include all applications that Portable apps has or are some not included yet. I noticed that there were several programs ie. PeaZip, Texas holdem and some others too that had dates after the FEB update of the suite. Does the new standard include those, or do we need to download them separately.

changing .paf a bit to get an portableapps updater?

Submitted by jps on March 31, 2008 - 9:12am

I suggest to change the .paf format a bit. Don`t worry there will be 100 % backward compatibly.

All my portableapps are on one folder on my hd, other people will also do this in a similar way.

Let`s add a new file or in an existing file a new entry. But the version info in a standardized way into it.

From there it`s easy to make an error resident updater. The updater downloades the version info from a special page from / or any other good hosting (signed message in usenet if you worry about traffic).

Donating money

Submitted by gsk3rd on March 30, 2008 - 7:34pm

Hello all. Well I have been lurking around now for about a month downloading and using the software and i have to say that I am super excited about this portable movement. Since installing the PA software I have created a few backgrounds for my menu and love that everything is open source. If I where to donate money to PA, where would it go to? Are there any benefits to donating money. Would I have an super cool status?

ps. I am on a daily watch for PAM 1.5 alpha.
