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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Powerpoint viewer 2007 portable

Submitted by exonimus on December 10, 2007 - 11:14am

I recently made powerpoint 2007 viewer portable(with the sfx creator) and it works like a charm. My problem was that the regular powerpoint viewer 2007 installed in a default directory, and I couldn't change it. Therefore, I created the portable from that directory. I can now carry it on a usb stick. What's the advantage of that, you ask? well, I'm not allowed to install anything at school, and my school has an older version of office, whilst I really love to make my presentations in ppt 2007, which I can now do. Of course, I didn't need to tell you that Blum

PortableApps_Suite_Lite_1.0.exe is not supported archieve

Submitted by danieltamiru on December 10, 2007 - 9:42am

I have download the PotableApps Lite version. I have a 1 GB Sandisk USB Flash and tried to install on it but everytime i got a 7-zip Diagnostic message window stating " PortableApps_Suite_Lite_1.0.exe is not supported archieve " and stops downloading it to the flash. How can i solve such problem e-mail me at or post it here. tanx

HP Flash drive

Submitted by PilotBill on December 9, 2007 - 6:29pm

Hello, does anyone have any experience with HP's 4GB c450w USB Flash Drive? It claimes some pretty fast read and write speeds. Also, I am interested in the "feel" of the drive. Thanks, Bill

trojan horse

Submitted by Cisco Craig on December 9, 2007 - 4:55pm

I am just back from a cyber cafe where I used a usb 1gig flash memory I just installed from portableapps thunderbird, my email program and a note pad to test for a trip I am taking. I went to three cyber cafes. At the second a trojan horse had been installed on my usb.

PSW.generic 5.yia

and doWTP_RESTORE_0.exe

Thus when I went to the third cyber cafe an anti-virus software caught the Trojan. I came home where my anti-virus also caught the Trojan.

EVEN WORSE the USB was not recognized by windows. NADA.. I had to do a format of the USB. It now can once again be written to.

UPXing installers?

Submitted by StephenQ on December 9, 2007 - 7:12am

Hey there,
I hear UPX is a useful tool. I have various EXEs on my usb drive, and i was wondering what can be UPXed.
Will doing this an installer file make much difference? It does DLL's too?
What are the best switches to use? (--best?)

Launching Portableapps from separate partition

Submitted by PC-GURU on December 8, 2007 - 9:19pm

I have wanted for some time to be able to start portableapps automaticaly upon the insertion of my flash drive like U3 does.
So I did a search, and this is what I came up with.(

I'm not into hacking but it did work for me.
I can autorun .exe files in the iso partition just fine, but I'm wondering how to autorun PortableApps (which is installed in the main partition)from the iso partition.
can anyone help me?

Help me

Submitted by LZHOO on December 8, 2007 - 1:23pm

Hi,everyone,it's the first time I use StartPortableApps,and I install it successfully,now i want to uninstall it ,I try to delete all the file and then format the flash disk directly ,but window xp tell me he can't finish it ,how i can format it? thx

Custom application folder, or custom path for each application. Is it possible?

Submitted by alexds9 on December 8, 2007 - 12:04pm

I don't want to use "PortableApps" folder for my applications. I want PortableAppsMenu to use custom path for each application. Is it possible now, or this function supposed to be added later?

It's very important issue for me, and that's why I can't use PortableAppsMenu now.
