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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

U3 really doesn't work!

digitxp's picture
Submitted by digitxp on November 15, 2007 - 5:46pm

U3 really doesn't work! At first I tried to use my dad's, but then it said it doesn't work on Vista! Then I got a newer one for my birthday, and OpenOffice for U3 (Which by the way they got from John T. Halley) said soffice.exe wasn't working! I'm removing it at this very moment.

Topics marked as spam

Kevin Porter's picture
Submitted by Kevin Porter on November 15, 2007 - 8:58am

Hello all,

Recently, there have been several topics marked as spam, even though they weren't and were made by trusted users. This thread is for posting threads that have been marked as spam and weren't. Please give a format like the one below.


Title: Xenon File Manager 1.2.9 Beta (doesn't have to be exact)
Description: Posting of the beta file manager Xenon (what the post was about)
Original link (if at all possible):

Addition of new "suite(s)"

Submitted by booyakasha on November 14, 2007 - 11:29am

(These suggestion(s) might have already been discussed before.)

I realize this can effectively be done by using the any of the existing suites and then installing whatever is missing, but:
How about creating a "full"/"ultra" suite, which includes all of the PortableApps?
This might be fast and convenient for those who have portable drives with greater storage than 512 MiB.

Build a easy tool to make portable app (delphi source included)

candylight's picture
Submitted by candylight on November 12, 2007 - 10:05pm

I've developed a small tool to make portable application with delphi program language,now put it here with all source.
You can extract the TestPortable dir to your usb disk PortableApps dir (if you installed PortbleApps,you will find it easily),now restart your StartPortableApps.exe,you will find the new app in your PortableApps menu.

Is there a way to clear the tracker?

dagardner's picture
Submitted by dagardner on November 12, 2007 - 3:26pm

Is there a way to clear the tracker so that it no longer says there are new messages? I don't read every thread, so it would be nice to be able to clear the tracker to make it easier to find posts I haven't read.

Maybe clear the tracker when you log off, so that it only tells of the posts made since you were last logged into for the forum, or provide a button to clear the tracker, so you can easily see new posts when you refresh.



Getting Page Fault Blue Screens after a few hours

Submitted by fishboy on November 12, 2007 - 4:22am

I have half my USB drive as a normal FAT32 partition and the other half as a TrueCrypt partition. When I have the TC partition mounted and leave the computer on at night (for example) I almost always wake up to a blue screen. This seems to happen more frequently when I leave Portable Firefox running (it's on the TC partition), though it happens in other circumstances, too.

Any idea what's going on here?
