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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

PA launched as a novell script

Submitted by phalkon30 on September 18, 2007 - 6:38pm

My school has a student drive that is unique to each student where we can securely place files. I installed portable apps on my student drive, installed the programs I wanted, and it works awesome.

For anybody out there that has access to a mapped drive and uses novell to login, here's a little trick I figured out. You can have novell launch portableapps upon login, so you don't have to browse around for it every time you login, and you don't have to carry around a flash drive.

Portable Apps Errors

Submitted by ace512 on September 18, 2007 - 3:21am

Hey all i just installed Portapp on my thumb drive

I have a Memorex 2BG thumb drive and i format as NTFS

when ever i run the any kind of portable apps, i would get an error message about the portapps has created an error message and it would close the menu

does any anyone know a fix for this

Lina / OpenLina

Lurking_Biohazard's picture
Submitted by Lurking_Biohazard on September 18, 2007 - 1:54am

Don't know if anyone has seen this, but I think it may be worth watching.

With LINA, applications written for Linux run with native look and 
feel on Windows, Mac OS X and UNIX operating systems.

Introducing the LINA source code. This pre-release represents a significant 
milestone in LINA's development. It includes a basic version of the LINA 
run-time environment with native command line, and web applications and gui 
capabilities on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It also includes basic versions 
of the tools and libraries used to build both applications that run on LINA 

Portable Apps distros

Submitted by ricardobeltran on September 17, 2007 - 3:48pm

I'm interested to build a Portable Apps distribution for education, in a
nutshell it will include XAMPP, Moodle and a Wiki and some scripts to
backup and publish content. Future releases will include more apps for
different types of content (podcast, video, etc), the purpose of this
suite is to provide educators in Mexico with the possibility to generate
educational content for online courses without a always available
Internet connection.
I want this suite supported by the Portable Apps community but I need to

Splash screens

Submitted by m2 on September 17, 2007 - 1:17pm

The problem was raised before, but I'm in desperation and decided to make a solution myself.
Splash screens sometimes disappear too soon, sometimes too late because of fixed timeout.
Solution: Detect when the main application window shows up and hide the splash screen then. I think I can modify the NSIS plugin to make it work this way.

Can anyone recommend a secure flash drive?

Submitted by charlec on September 17, 2007 - 12:35pm

I'm looking for a hardware based secure flash drive. I'm currently looking at the Kingston Data Traveler Secure (Privacy Edition) 4Gb. Has anyone used one of these? Where do you recommend buying from in the UK - I usually use but they don't sell the Privacy Edition.

Thanks in advance!


Submitted by Master_tarquin on September 17, 2007 - 11:31am

I have recently read about the portable apps, site and just joined up. i have a USB flashdrive and, want to put the web surfing program on, but i don’t know which program to download to it. Can anyone help please?

Also can any one tell me about the Keepass password safe. program.
Thanks. auto update?

Submitted by relequestual on September 16, 2007 - 6:11pm

would it not be a good idea to have an auto update feature in portable apps launcher. (apart from for FF obviously)

I know this would be handy for me, and it could be done only for the official portable apps that appear here! at least something that tells you which ones are out of date.
auto updater would be even better, even if it just downloaded and ran the installers (for portables) in sequence.

i did search but couldnt find anything on the forum about the prospect of this

