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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Why do you need a seperate PDF Reader

Submitted by chequered maniac on July 27, 2007 - 5:40am

I'm most likely going to get some bad comments about this but the way I look at it is, if you have firefox you have a pdf reader in it, or at least you can download it just like a flash player and I'm sure that someone may argue that you'd want a separate one for offline use but I would be fairly sure you can open pdf's when not connected to the net.

But please if there is a blatantly obvious reason to have foxit of sumatra, tell me.
Its more curiosity then an arguement


Removing pen drive from PC

Submitted by teegeeman on July 26, 2007 - 11:53pm

I have Win XP SP 2 at home. After using and shutting down all portable applications, when I select remove hardware option and click the pen drive and ask for it to be stopped, it is unable to do so. This did not happen earlier when I did not have portable apps in my pen drive. I have to shut down the PC to remove the pen drive, for fear of corrupting the files. Kindly tell me what can be done about this.

Portable App Suite

Submitted by averageguy on July 26, 2007 - 5:19pm

I get to like 65% installed and then a window comes up 7-zip Data error in creating about 200 files and then i have a close option i close it and delete it and reinstall but same problem again. Any ideas or suggestions? I didn;t know what forum to post in because this is a multiple portable app problem.

IRC Chat Room

Submitted by pkeffect on July 26, 2007 - 4:20pm


I have a IRC Server setup running UnrealIRCd with Anope Services and a few other add-ons. If you or anyone else here is interested in creating or congregating in a channel specifically dedicated to the site/scene, I would be more than happy to accommodate.


Since the interest seems to be showing a bit, I went ahead a created a private room on the server and coded a page with information on how to join/connect.

Building an app for

Submitted by joostvanpoppel on July 26, 2007 - 4:24am

Hi all,

I recently discovered this website, and got some real nice and handy apps running on my USB-stick.
I especially like the XAMPP module. Keep up the good work!

To business;
Since i'm a programmer myself, PHP/VB/Delphi, I want to contribute to
At the moment I have a great idea for a portable application. After reading the "Development" area, still some questions arise.

1) How do I actually get my app up and running on your guys' site?

Forget Flash Drive

Submitted by jordi.c on July 25, 2007 - 6:01pm

Hi Dudes,

I have ordered my third thumb drive. Every time I forget to unplug it from the PC at school and if I notice it that I forget it, it is already token by somebody.

Is there a way that I have to unplug it before I can log-off in Windows for example with a prompt or another application which tells me when I log-off on the PC that I mustn't forget the flash drive?

Okay guys I am not demented but it is easy to forget when your head is full of other stuff at school.

Best wishes,

Downloads Issue - Alternate Download Links (July 25, 2007)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 25, 2007 - 3:42pm

Due to a configuration issue within SourceForge's download mirroring network all download links coming in from outside domains are failing. It's affecting all SourceForge project downloads and multiple tickets have been submitted. No details or ETA.

App Links Updated

My First Post Here

Submitted by AppUser69 on July 25, 2007 - 10:46am

I have been using the Portable Apps application for about two weeks now. All of the complaints I had about the original app have been resolved with version R21b. I highly recommend trying it. The one that comes with the suite is very limited and not nearly as usable as R21b.
I use my USB thumb drive (8gb) all day now! We are not allowed to install any software on our computers at work, now I don't need to! I have most of the apps you have available, and have been adding my own too.

Portable apps and documents on the same USB drive?

Submitted by pjoyce on July 25, 2007 - 4:56am

New to the forum but have been a long-time reader. I have recently looked at the "What's on your portable#2?" thread and noticed a number of users who have a large number of portable apps on relatively small drives.

I was wondering, do most of you keep portable apps on a USB drive and documents? Or put all your apps on one drive and keep another one free for documents/data?

I'm asking because I have quite a few apps on my 1GB USB drive (600MB free) but was considering putting the apps on a 512MB USB drive I have and keeping the 1GB free for documents/data.

Working Directory Woes

Submitted by jdecarlo on July 24, 2007 - 11:19pm

Is there an option, configuration file I can add, or something coming in a future release that will allow me to set a working directory for an application that wasn't installed using a paf.exe installer?

I have an application or two that run perfectly from portable devices, but I can't run them through PortableAppsMenu because it apparently runs the applications using the PortableAppsMenu as the working directory.

I am not really interested, nor do I have the time, to create an installer. I would just like to be able to assign a working directory to a menu item.
