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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

What are your results with HDtach

Submitted by Thomas.Humphries on February 19, 2007 - 12:19pm

Good afternoon all looking thu the forums I notice that a few of you are happy with your OCZ Rally2 and Corsair Flash Voyager, but I would like to ask you all who use portable apps your speeds with HDtach and whether you concider it slow or not.

I lost my USB pen with all my apps last week so I am looking into getting a new one, so all your comments will be helpfull.

Please post the following
Device Name
Manufactures link to product
Random access times
Average read times
Average write times
burst speed times and cpu level.

Portable Apps Suite

Submitted by Ed_P on February 19, 2007 - 9:30am

General comments about my recent experience:

1. WOW!!! This thing is unbelievable!!!

2. The initial loading/install window indicates that the process may take up to 15 minutes;
a. it should note that it may take that long before the status bar begins to move/display!
b. what the heck is it doing that takes so long!!!! Holy cow!!

3. The version of Firefox in the suite is not current.

4. The version of Clamwin in the suite is not current.

Not Running Well under "Program Files" + Restircted User

Submitted by claws on February 19, 2007 - 8:52am

The portable apps don't work very well with restricted users.

My configuraiton is as below:

WindowsXP Home Edition
PortableApps all installed in C:\Program Files

Portable applications (such as Writer) failed to close when it was launched by a non-administrator user.

This doesn't happen to administrator user. What is the cause ?

This also doesn't happen when the files are installed somewhere other than C:\Program Files

Does anyone has a solution ?

Running PA's from truecrypt volume [update] = solution found!!

Submitted by nanobreaker on February 18, 2007 - 12:00pm

How would one go about doing this?
I was thinking of creating an app that mimics John's "StartPortableApps" program, but instead, there would be one for each information-sensitive app: firefox, keepass, and gaim. These shortcuts could be placed in the portableapps folder (allowing them to appear in the menu) and when clicked on, redirect to the actual app in the truecrypt volume?

btw, i'm planning to autorun truecrypt (on custom u3 drive) to ask for a password if i want to allow access to those programs, while at the same time starting up the PA menu
