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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

[Self-Promotion] PEC

Submitted by PEC on August 17, 2006 - 9:34pm


I have a different concept of generating portable apps. I create the environment needed for a software virtually and not static on the PC. So my portablisation works on all software without any modification and is it leaving no traces on the computer.

I have written a freeware/donationware programsuite based on on that concept that generates portableapps on any software you can find. Combined with the nice menu its all what i need to survive.

(Actually the current version needs the .Net Framework 2.0, but i am working on that fact)

I am not saying that this method is better than programming good software or making a modification but my method is the only way to use closed source software, too. So Guys keep on your good work and for "any digital life (nearly) anywhere" use my software

how can i make portable akaspersky av

Submitted by freexwolf on August 17, 2006 - 9:02pm

hello every one

i'm just signed in your forum , that's when i was searching on

google for how to make portable software as you want ,

i just wanna know how to make portable software like kaspersky av

or other anti virus or any software or programs

i've seen alot of portable programs like magic iso , nod32 ,niro and

even photoshop .

so can any one tell me how to make a portable programs ?

and many thanks for all

Portable VPN Client Solution

Submitted by VinceC on August 17, 2006 - 4:58pm

I'm looking for a VPN client that will run off a USB stick. Or something that will automatically generate a Windows VPN connection profile with my specified options.

I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to implement remote
access to our clients' control servers. We want to be able to provide
a USB stick to our clients. When it is plugged in to a Windows XP
computer it needs to be able to connect to their home VPN establish
the connection then open up PocketFirefox to the homepage.

Most VPN clients I have come across require the computer to be rebooted, or they offer no way to setup the vpn connection automatically with autorun.

Looking for Portable Search Engine

Submitted by mag41460 on August 17, 2006 - 3:34pm

Hi all,

I have a portable USB Drive with tons of documents (text, PDF, MS Office) on it. Is there a portable app that buils a search index over the portable drive and has an interface to search that index? Preferred app would open PortableFirefox and displays the search result in the Browser, but any other user interface is fine, too.

Does this exist?

Thanks for Help


Backing up settings

Submitted by paladin2006 on August 16, 2006 - 2:07pm

Is it possible to set up the individual portable apps so that all of the settings for all the apps are stored in PortableApps\Data?

I have looked for what needs to be done for each portable app but cannot find the information. If someone can point me to this I would appreciate it.

Thank you.

- Rob

How to start PortableApps over the U3-launchpad?

Submitted by manwald on August 15, 2006 - 4:09pm


I'm new to U3/ and I really like what you're doing! Espacially because I can use some of your apps or ideas for the BartPE-project on which I'm working also...

I've found nothing using the forum-search, so maybe one of you guys can tell me how I can start some PortableApps like ClamWin Portable over the U3-launchpad from my Kingston-U3-USB-stick?

I only found out how I can add U3P-files to the startup-panel - but how to add your selfextracing EXE-files?

Thanks a lot for any help and keep on your good work


Batch file help

Submitted by gjjh25 on August 15, 2006 - 1:37pm

I am looking to create a batch file / ini file to do the following

copy a file from my document folder (mylist)on my usb to a folder on the main computer.

and then at the end of the day copy the folder back with another batch file

could anyone help with this please?
