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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.


Submitted by dster on February 15, 2012 - 9:03pm

LibreCAD (currently 1.0.1 release)

Having searched for topics in re LibreCAD it seem a fresh thread is in order.
(All previous were about rcs and petered out last summer.)

This should make a dandy portable app.

Portable App Save State

Submitted by tjhans on February 15, 2012 - 5:52pm

I'm not really sure how crazy of an undertaking this would be or no, but here goes. I was wondering how hard it would be to add a save state feature that saves the exact state of the apps you are using to the flash drive, so you could pull it out and move to another computer start them all back up and have everything the same. In my head that sounds do able, but I'm not much of a programmer, so what do I know? I guess you can't just pull the ram values that the program is using and just push those on to another computer, but maybe someone has a brilliant idea.

Gping.Com - Graphical Ping

Submitted by Timelord2067 on February 14, 2012 - 7:37pm


I use this program from time to time, from the website it says

Graphical Ping displays a color coded realtime graph of continuous pings to a specified host.

No warranties are provided on this program - it is completely free to use.

Not much else I can add, the program was updated on January 19th, 2012

Request for Jomic

bill_gagliardi's picture
Submitted by bill_gagliardi on February 12, 2012 - 11:22pm

Program: Jomic v0.9.34

License: Open Source/GPL

Description: Jomic is a viewer and converter for comic books stored in CBZ, CBR and PDF files. Features include a two page mode, caching and support for several image formats (PNG, JFIF/JPEG, TIFF and GIF). It is Open Source software distributed under the GNU General Public License.


Other: This is a Java program


Submitted by fantasticate on February 11, 2012 - 4:09am

As there are many small tasks of a whole day's work, I need a to do list to work well. Now there are many medium available for to do list recording. A online to do list is a better choice for people who have to work with the computer. This applicatin I have been using is TABB. It is helpful and I'd like to share it with you who also need a online to do list and time management software.
