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Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

GnuCash 2.4.10

Submitted by Kim_Wood on February 8, 2012 - 2:31am


GnuCash 2.4.10 has just been released at I simply replaced the previous GnuCashPortable/app/gnucash directory with the latest version, but it quits after painting the splash screen. I have not been able to investigate the issue any further. Anyway, it would be terrific to see a new version sometime soon. There have been a number of useful bug fixes and improvements in GnuCash since the last 2.4.8 release. Can you add it to the list please?

App Comments/Notes

Submitted by markrdowd on February 3, 2012 - 10:53am

In the Get Apps dialog, there's a little field that shows up called "Description", which says simple things like "file archiver".

Why does this not show up in the main GUI for the apps? Category is good, but nowhere near detailed enough to give each app its own description and explanation.

When looking at apps named GIMP, Fyre, Pidgin, and Toucan, if you aren't already familiar with them, how are you supposed to know what they do?

This is the one thing that I think is necessary to make me consider PortableApps "near flawless", rather then merely "great".

Eagle Mode

Submitted by Christian Hartmann on February 1, 2012 - 3:48am

this is quite different but very interesting.
Once used to it, you will absolutely need the portable version:
Eagle Mode is an advanced solution for a futuristic style of man-machine communication in which the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in. It has a professional file manager, file viewers and players for most of the common file types, a chess game, a 3D mines game, a netwalk game, a multi-function clock and some fractal fun, all integrated in a virtual cosmos. Besides, that cosmos also provides a Linux kernel configurator in form of a kernel patch.


Submitted by giorgiotani on January 31, 2012 - 3:54am

I'm glad to announce PeaZip 4.4
Archiving and extraction interfaces were improved.

I would also like to kindly request to update "Download Details" in the application's page

"Publisher:" the link in "Giorgio Tani" should point to rather than to the Interfree website (will be offline next month)

Waterfox (64-Bit variant of Firefox)

Submitted by VSG on January 31, 2012 - 1:43am

Hi guys!

And foremost thank you for the great effort you put into PortableApps! I'm very proud to say I stuck with you long before my friends (who also keep switching to portable applications) or all the magazines around the world who are referring to you now.

I searched the whole site for this app that I'm requesting now, but couldn't find any information.

NeverWinterNights 2

Submitted by Flametail on January 28, 2012 - 4:06pm

I'd like for someone to make me a portable launcher for NWN2. I've seen in done with BG2, and was hoping for the same.

Just a launcher, something that I just put NWN2 in the App folder and BAM!, Portable.

Sadly though, this might take a bit of work....NWN2 uses a folder in Documents for its save data.....I here this might be easy for some of you developers, but I dont want to destroy some elses saves because the launcher ran mine in there.

Duplicate Files Finder

Submitted by Christian Hartmann on January 27, 2012 - 6:39am

This should be a must:
Duplicate Files Finder is an application which searches for duplicate files (files which have the same content, but not necessarily the same name) and lets the user remove duplicate files, either by deleting them or by creating links. The search is very fast compared to other similiar programs which use hashing algorithms
