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Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Portable File Indexers - Two Questions

Submitted by jkenton on January 29, 2006 - 9:46am

I've been looking for a portable file indexer for quite a while. When I say indexer, I'm thinking of the functions that Google Desktop, Yahoo Desktop and Copernic Desktop do. I'd like to have a self-contained indexer on my USB drive.

In addition, is there any kind of file indexer that can create an index of removable media on a desktop computer? I have 100+ CDs with data on them, and it'd be great to be able to index them all, and have that index available on my desktop. This program would live on the desktop and accumulate index entries from each of the 100+ CDs.

Are there any such things?


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on January 28, 2006 - 10:14pm

CCleaner is already pretty simple (im my opinion), so I don't think that making it portable would cause some major problems. Browsing on a USB stick with Firefox is already pretty portable, but any leftover temp file/registry entries won't get deleted, so porting CCleaner could help clear those out.

AntiVirus/Firewall for portable drive

Submitted by ASKRRA on January 28, 2006 - 10:04am

Hi all,
I'm looking for a "firewall" to protect my usb drive, from the computer/internet/network/... I don't care about the computer I'm working on. Also I would like it, once I start it up, (autostart.asi / Pstart / manualy ) to protect my usb drive in the background, It does not matter to me if it leaves on the computer regestries (or files...) as long as I can go and plug into anouther coputer and still be protected (once of course the program is started). I have stinger, which scans the drive, but does not protect it.

Any ideas? Anythink like this exist?

eMule or Other Illegal File Download Tool

Submitted by 9100107 on January 27, 2006 - 10:20pm

I would greatly appreciate if somebody could create a eMule portable app ( eMule is extremely useful, but if I could bring it to a faster connection - now THAT would be useful! eMule is used like any other file sharing utility - to download files illegally. So please, help create equality (make it so the rich people aren't the only ones that get their programs) and make an eMule portable program.

Registry on the USB Stick

Submitted by gyger on January 27, 2006 - 3:42pm

I think there should be an App like the U3-Usb Sticks (but no depend on the hardware).
I don't now if this is possible but it would be a large step to Software on USB.
It could block the registry just for the programm you start with this Software and copy the registry entries in an .reg datei.
If this is possible, i think it would be an really good programm.

Please excuse my bad english i'm from Austria

.app launcher for Flash Drives

SevenFactors's picture
Submitted by SevenFactors on January 27, 2006 - 12:48pm

Hi there, long time first time!

First off all, I want to thank John T. Haller, for taking the time to make all of these useful softwares portable. Thanks!

Now moving on...

I was wondering is there a possibility for you to create a U3 launch menu like for .app applications? My flash drive is U3 smart and you can imaging, it would be really nice to be able to launch .app application right from the U3 launch menu.


Scribus is now Win32 native -> Portable Scribus ?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on January 27, 2006 - 10:32am

On January 23rd, Scribus 1.3.2 has been released (

It now features a native Win32 port ( which greatly improves performance and remove the need for Cygwin.

It would be nice to have a portable version of this fantastic piece of software.


Portable GNU PG + GPG Shell

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on January 27, 2006 - 6:04am

be a fantastic combination for portable encryption/signing. Of course I understand context menu options (such as right clicking on a file) couldn't list the encryption option because it would require an install but even without it's still cool. Maybe a .reg file could also be included so if people wanted/were able to they could get the menus in explorer. At the moment I'm using the non-portable version and it's a pain in the ass when it needs updating etc. Portable app is easy, delete the old and put the new, first of all saving preferences.

