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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 17, 2006 - 1:46pm

Is there a quicken money management program that is available ? I like quicken, I have tried using other programs, but they didn't fit to my liking.

I managed to make my Quicken 2002 work directly from my usb, however, I was unable to have it connect to the internet to get the bank statements.

Would anyone have any idea or feedback ?


file compression

Submitted by dequant on February 17, 2006 - 6:06am

Hi to all!

Well, I've tested some file compressors to use with my pendrive.

So, ther's one that works ok! It's called 7Zip ( and it's freeware.

Well, the instalation is a bit tricky but it's worth the time.

First, Install the program in your computer. Then find in thr programs file directory the 7-Zip directory. Copy the directory on your pendrive and when you want to compress or descompress, click on the 7zFM.exe.

Use & enjoy!

bzflag and freeciv

Submitted by jupiterduo on February 15, 2006 - 6:19pm

a quick search of the site reveals these haven't been requested yet. Everyone likes games Smile If anyone wants to work on these as a personal project that would be great, or once the state of development documentation improves or an easy "portable-app-izer" comes out I can contribute a "build" as well.

Thanks for great stuff so far, and looking for more great stuff in the future,


UltraVNC Viewer

Submitted by callit on February 14, 2006 - 2:59pm

I know, it's essentially portable as it is already. My only issue is that it seems to save settings to the registry - so when I sit down at a computer I've been at before, and pop open the viewer, it has my host name ready to go. And uhh, that kind of freaks me out.

I have no experience doing any of this, but would love to learn, and this seems like an easy enough place to start. If anyone can either create a wrapper or give me some pointers on what the easiest way to do this would be, feel free to let me know.


Forte Agent : portable (and free) soft for mail/usenet news

Submitted by madrazel on February 13, 2006 - 2:00pm

i know that this is not freeware, but the application, stores it's settings in ini files and can the last version look pretty neat with multiple news servers support and (but I not checked it) multiple e-mail accounts too, there is possibility to use for free a less featured non registered version which is freeware

i think it should be on a list here

another great open source program: NeoMem

Submitted by madrazel on February 13, 2006 - 6:09am

this outliner/note taking tool looks similar to KeyNote or TreePad, but is open source and still under development, not like KeyNote which have been abandoned.

the author has put a blog and forum where u can post suggestions about his program

website is:

i asked him to make this program storing its settings in the *.ini file instead of registry, as stands for now in 1.1c and he promised to do it in the next version maybe within a week
