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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Picasa 2

Submitted by Tyler Mills on February 6, 2006 - 6:45pm

Could anyone make a portable version of Picasa? This would be largely helpful to me when I go to other computers at other people's house and they want to find pictures without installing any files or when I'm at school making a webpage and cannot find a picture because my website is terribly disorganized. This would be awesome if it is possible, because I know there are laws and other things with the way Picasa is made. Just wondering if anyone is good enough at programming to do this because I'm just learning C++ and other languages.



Portable X Server?

Submitted by daluu on February 5, 2006 - 7:41pm

While looking up free easy to use X Servers I came across XLiveCD an X Server based on Cygwin that can be run from CD. It's prebuilt as a ISO CD image that one can use to make the CD.

However, I'm wondering if there exists or if someone can make a portable X Server that is much smaller than XLiveCD's 300+ MB? With minimal or no configuration needed to portable-ize it.

I mean Putty for SSH is ~1MB, and WinSCP for SCP/SFTP is ~1MB. Be nice to have X Server for around 1-10MB, or 100MB at the largest.

ipodder Juice

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on February 4, 2006 - 7:39pm

I think it would be great to have Juice ( converted to a portable app. I installed the program to my hard drive, then copied the folder to my flash drive and the software does run, but the settings are not retained (feeds, target folder, etc.) I think someone could do this fairly easily, but I'm not the one. I don't have a clue what to do. It is open-source, so modification shouldn't be a problem.

Portable bookmark manager::

Submitted by saikat on February 4, 2006 - 12:59am

I feel a Portable bookmark manager would be really nice program to have. (i don't know if one exists, if there is some, please let me know)..

As i use Portable Firefox mainly for carrying bookmarks.Which is really slow while accessing bookmarks Sad .
And now a days firefox is becoming standerd to all computer, its becoming more impotant to carry the bookmarks along, rather than the firefox.



Submitted by bluefoxicy on February 4, 2006 - 12:28am

I'd like to see Portable GIMP; as well, I'd like to see the portable loader able to recognize that GTK+ is in ../lib/gtk+-2.0 instead of PortableAppname/lib/gtk+-2.0. This would allow for installation of Portable Gaim and Portable GIMP using the same GTK+.

GIMP would be awesome to show off to people. It really demonstrates a powerful software application that people can identify with.

Portable Proxy Server ?

Submitted by RossGoodman on February 3, 2006 - 6:04am

Does such a thing exist?

Two apps I always use are Portable Firefox and Portable ThunderBird, both of which have switchproxy addins so on the whole I'm happy.

Every other tool I use I have to remember to change the proxy settings when I visit a new customer.

If I had a portable proxy server I could point all of my apps at it and then forget about them. When I changed customers I would just have to configure "my" proxy server and hey presto.

Is this possible/feasable ?


Flash maker?

solanus's picture
Submitted by solanus on February 2, 2006 - 10:53pm

Anybody have an Open Source Flash Animation maker? I've got some non-portable apps that can generate flash presentations (Powerbullet) and screencams (Wink, CamStudio).
Anything out there that can be used to make or convert small animations to flash?
