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LibreOffice Portable

Another instance is running

Submitted by farat_as on November 13, 2012 - 11:18am


LibreOffice can start with --invisible parameter (here is the manual: )

I start the D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\LibreOfficePortable.exe with --invisible parameter. I check from Task Manager of Windows, it is running properly. But if I open any of LibreOffice executable (Writer or Math or Calc or Base...), it gives this warning:

Another instance of LibreOffice is already running. Please close other instances of LibreOffice before launching LibreOffice Portable. ?

Submitted by ottosykora on November 6, 2012 - 11:27am

Have installed the current update over the previous one, all went ok, now LO tells me it is version (update package is called 3.6.3)
Is that correct?

Create or Update the build from the 3.5 branch

Submitted by pedro.lino on November 6, 2012 - 9:04am

Hi all

I'm interested in collaborating with Portableapps to make available a portable version of the last stable version for each branch. These portable versions would be very useful to check for regressions in LibreOffice.

What do I need to do to update 3.5.5 portable to (the latest and possibly last version in the 3.5 branch)?


LibreOffice Portable download buttons?

Submitted by Marty8E on November 5, 2012 - 11:41am

Today (5 Nov) I went to the PA LibreOffice page, to download the latest version. There are two download buttons "Download 3.6.3" and "3.6.3 (All Languages)".

However BOTH buttons have the following text on the second line: "for Windows, multilingual". Presumably, only the "All Languages" button is multilingual? The other one should be "English only"? Otherwise, both of the buttons should point to the same download files! In which case, the size of the downloads should be the same (and you wouldn't need 2 buttons)!



Multiple install issues with LO

Submitted by dforion on October 7, 2012 - 8:03pm

I just attempted an install of LibreOfficePortable_3.6.1.1_MultilingualNormal.paf.exe into an older installation of LibreOfficePortable.

Here's what happened:

1) All of my settings were ignored. Good thing I always backup the current setup before installing a new one so all I have to do is delete

2) All "normal" languages were installed in addition to US English. No option to remove unwanted languages.

LibreOffice 3.6.1 and App-V

Submitted by Sequencer on October 5, 2012 - 5:14am

Anyone able to virtualize LibreOffice 3.6.1?

I have tried to following:
Sequence in XP -> creating package works and prelaunch launch works ok, but when I stream the package to client the launch fails.
I get the following error on launch:
"LibreOffice 3.6 Fatal Error
Application launch doesn't work. An error occurred during file opening"

Sequence in Win7 -> Install goes ok, but when trying to open software the launch hangs and I get the following error on launch:
"LibreOffice 3.6 has stopped working"

Message in event log:
Log Name Application

Cannot start LibreOfiicePortable

Submitted by Libre4760 on September 26, 2012 - 8:53am

I am working with
Windows 7 Home Premium (Build 7601) Service Pack I, 64-bit edition
LibreOfficePortable 3.4.5
OOO340m1 (Build:502)
no JAVA installed.
LibreOfficePortable 3.5.x and 3.6.1 could not be installed, because MS VC runtime was missing. NOw, I have tried the new version:
MS VC runtime is not still missing, but i could not launch LibreOffice. The first time it aborts with the message:
"Die Anwendung kann nicht gestartet werden - an error occurred during file opening"

Trojan from server Libreoffice?

Submitted by johan_b on September 22, 2012 - 7:10am

Today 22-09-2012 I updated my portable apps.
The update was stuck at the Libreoffice update.
a moment later my virusscanner (F-secure) reported a trojan in the file
It looked like it was received during the update.
Is it possible the files on the server are infected?
