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Music & Video Apps Support

VLC: running frm dvd

Submitted by jassalmithu on May 22, 2006 - 4:16am

i want to know if i cud burn this app along with other xvid files to a dvd, then cud it be able to play files
i have previously known to a bootable linux media player which boots on any comp n seconds and plays most formats, if anybody cud suggest such a distro tat wud be gr8 help too

VLC: registry and media options

Submitted by gildan2020 on May 17, 2006 - 12:45pm

Hi all,

This is my first time using this Portable VLC and I would like to ask a few questions regarding its usage:

1) Does it leave any registry entries behind when I run this program on my comp or any other comp?

2) If I burn Portable VLC into a CD-R, will I encounter any problem when trying to run it straight from the CD? Will it attempt to write/modify a file in the Portable VLC directory?

thanks all,

pVLC 0.8.5 quits without warning

Submitted by Vema on May 9, 2006 - 10:30am

Just installed pVLC. Great job Wink
But how come it just quits?
I load a directory or playlist. It starts playing ok, plays whole media file (mp3 or mpg, doesn't matter) and then quits.
No warning, no error messages, just a sudden death.
I start vlc again, and same thing happens.
Sometimes it plays several files, sometimes quits after first file.
