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Music & Video Apps Support

VLC Only Shows First Video Frame, Audio Plays Through Fine, Vista Issue?

Submitted by arizona480 on June 22, 2007 - 1:15pm

It worked fine on my XP at work, but at home on Vista, it doesn't. I'm using the same copy of the player that I used at work and even downloaded 2 new ones and had the same results. Does this for all of the video formats I tried. .FLV, .WMA, .MPEG, etc.

Problem with Vista?

VLC: codec for screencapture movies

Submitted by Dai777 on June 1, 2007 - 5:07am

Hi guys got a small problem using VLC Portable to view screen capture movies I make.
The only ones to play use the techsmith codec all others that use.wmv or msu codec (.avi format) wont play picture just sound (sound is .mpg3). I'd expect problems with .wmv as it is windows but not the msu codec. Any idea what the problem might be.

VLC skipping

Submitted by nttuzydupcpm on May 30, 2007 - 1:32pm

Is it just me, or does VLC skip audio playback?

I was playing around with foobar2000, and it seemed to play continuously, regardless of CPU usage, but VLC skips occasionally.

VLC: HTTP interface removed?

Submitted by StephenQ on May 21, 2007 - 4:09am

Has the http interface been removed from VLC Portable? I checked the modifications log on the app homepage and it does not mention it.
If you turn on debug log and then start the http interface and you get:

logger: using logger...
logger warning: no log filename provided, using `vlc-log.txt'
logger debug: opening logfile `vlc-log.txt'
main debug: using interface module "logger"
main debug: thread 3948 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
http debug: using charset=UTF-8
http debug: base :8080
