how bad is the correction in newest notepad++ needed to update?
i heard that notepad++ makes a quick update if needed and they did now.
do you know how bad it is if one don't update quick to it?
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i heard that notepad++ makes a quick update if needed and they did now.
do you know how bad it is if one don't update quick to it?
The "++" in the path has been replaced to a space, but the rest of the settings, including the configuration in the ini file, were not adjusted, making the whole software unusable. If you force open the program in Explorer, it will cause the program to read the configuration file incorrectly, resulting in data loss.
why is notepad++ portable setting follow windows design disabled?
it's greyed out.
nor the portable version from here (two ver. behind) either the newest from 30 nov have enabled 'follow windows' theme.
it seem to follow windows theme partially anyway.
sadly is the app background orange and active text white on grey or grey on grey, unreadable!
any ideas?
million thanx!
(edit: any idea which of the 20 apperance settings in windows, i mean windows, link, and so on, for the active tab in notepad++? hope someone knows the solution.)
i have everywhere white tab and windows names only notepad++ makes false black on black on the active tab so not readable!
only active tab, other are gray on black, so ok.
i checked in a windows tv app, tabs right white on black, other voreground window has active inner title black on white.
the sidebar on the left of notepad++ shows file names white on black.
Seems like Kanri portable is anything but portable:
Stores loads of files (electron?) in the appdata folder. Nice app, but need to avoid as it's really not very portable.
ERROR: C:\Users\vlogy\Desktop\Nieuwe map\App\AppInfo\appinfo.ini doesn't exist!
would you fix this in version PortableApps.comLauncher_2.2.1.0.paf
all the best
yasien trabih
the netherlands
I am trying to set up this app for a friend and copy my settings from the standard portable version to the PA.c version.
Trouble is, no matter where I put the data folder from my install to the PA.c Data folder, nothing is recognised by the PA.c version of CudaText. I've tried several locations inside the PA.c Data folder.
Where do I put all the settings?
Notepad++ does not require to move files "tabContextMenu.xml", "toolbarIcons.xml" and folders "themes", "toolbarIcons' to use them.
please download for example AniFX Portable from
and recreate it with Launcher v2.2.5
errors with Arabic.nsh
Error in file: ..\PortableApps.comLauncher\Other\Source\Languages\Farsi.nsh
Line 10 ...$\r$\n$\ r$\n....
It should be ...$\r$\n$\r$\n.... (no space between \ and r)
This error cause a warning in PortableApps.comLauncherGeneratorLog.txt:
unknown variable/constant "\" detected, ignoring (LangString LauncherUNCWarn:1065)