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gVim 64 bit

Submitted by rbon on April 26, 2020 - 1:40pm

I have thinked to update gVim 8.2 (officially released) with a portable version to 64 bit.
Can I replace che existing '\vim\vim80' folder with content of portable 64 bit version?
Otherwise how must to be changed his launcher?
Thanks a lot.

Notepad++ - Issues When Updating / Installing Plug In's

Submitted by Drazick on April 23, 2020 - 10:24am


On the few latest versions of Notepad++ (Since they added their own Plug In Manager) there is an issue with installing Notepad++ Plug In's.
If I go to Plugins -> Plug In Admin and install or update a plug in Notepad++ restarts, discards the last session (Namely unsaved documents are discarded) and suddenly the Plug In Admin disappears from the Plugins menu.

Could this be addressed?

Thank You.

Plugin Manager failing in Notepad++ Portable 7.8.5 Rev 2

Submitted by Mail9000it on March 23, 2020 - 12:15pm

I found two strange things in plugin management in notepad ++ Portable
1) after unpacking the paf.exe in the Notepad ++ Portable\App\DefaultData\Config\plugins\Config path, the DSpellCheck plugin is present. The plugin do not appear in the installed list in the PluginManager.
2) when installing a plug-in (eg Snippets) the "Plugin Manager" item disappears from the Plugins menu. I have to close manual and restart Notepad to see it again.

DB Browser for SQLite 3.11.2

Submitted by corvus on February 23, 2020 - 3:16am

(repost, maybe I put it in the wrong place previously?)

I can't get this to run, there's a small kick in the CPU usage according to Task Manager but then nothing.

I have two previous versions of the same thing, all located as separate directories under C:\Portable Apps\SQL Utilities but I've also tried it from other locations (and downloaded it twice, just in case).

The other two work fine, and produce entries in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\sqlitebrowser\sqlitebrowser, but the new one doesn't get that far.

Notepad++ 7.8.2 install plugin removes plugin admin

Submitted by einst3 on January 16, 2020 - 10:43pm

Notepad++ 7.8.2 installed on usb stick fmt exfat on win7 when installing new plugin after restart it removes plugin admin.
if i install 7.8.1 and install plugin then update plugin admin stays. actually 7.8.1 after plugin install removes plugin admin option. but if you update after the plugin admin is back. i dont know because of slowness of usb drive. usb drive formatted as exfat.
i tested on local hard drive pa install and it did the same thing. dont know why plugin admin disappears after new plugin install.
