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Firefox Portable

FirefoxPortable + Google Gears + Google Calendar

Submitted by pieczara on November 15, 2008 - 12:22pm

I try to use Google Caendar offline, instaling Google Gears on FirefoxPortable
(this way and Gears is instaled good.

When I login to Calendar I can't use Gears (can't add Calendar site to Gears).

What am I doing wrong?

Help me, please.

P.S.I try FF 2 & 3, clear and with other addons.

Portable FF 3.0.4: "Flashblock" and "Fireshot" extensions incompatible?

Submitted by sehlat on November 14, 2008 - 12:37pm

My portable copy of 3.0.4 has Flashblock 1.5.7 and Fireshot 0.61 installed. Both report that they are "Not compatible with Firefox 3.0.4"

However, the non-portable 3.0.4 which I installed on my desktop as a test installed both extensions with no difficulty.

How to report a site

Submitted by getco on November 12, 2008 - 12:02pm

You know how FF tells you about phishing sites, etc. Well how do you report a site to FF if it's not in their DB? I stumble across scam sites from time to time and FF doesn't warn me about them so I assume they're not in FF's DB. So is there a way I can submit these sites?

Can't Set Up Open Office and Helper App

Submitted by dhartsoc on November 12, 2008 - 10:26am

I am giving Portable Apps a test run on a 1Gb usb drive.

The full suite is installed. I have tried within Portable Firefox 3.02, to set up Open Office as a Helper App for DOC files. It just doesn't take, defaults to Always Ask. Setting up Sumatra as a Helper app worked just fine. I'd appreciate and clues on how to proceed.

