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Firefox Portable

Gmail not working with Firefox 52.0

Submitted by BlackDawg on March 28, 2017 - 3:58pm

When trying to reply to an email using a portable version of Firefox the reply box pops up, however I am unable to type anything into the box. It acts as if the keypad is dead, has no response.

At first I kept getting a message saying that "this version of Chrome was not supported" by Gmail. This was what was in my Firefox browser window. I then clicked to update firefox and after the update (still Firefox 52.0.*) I am still getting the same results just no longer getting the not supported message any more.

Firefox 53.0Alpha2 Developer Portable

Submitted by Q Mark on March 19, 2017 - 6:25pm

The firefox 53.0 alpha2 developer portable ver. keeps making a copy & running it in the background. The background 1 starts up at pc startup even though i don't have it doing it & it keeps coming back up in the background no mater how many times i stop it. The copy it makes & keeps bringing back up in the background is going in my windows/system32 folder in a folder called x32 file: xfirefox.exe. & no matter how many times i delete it, it comes back cause it running in the background. This background copy is using up all my ram/memory. I deleted the real portable ver.

Flash Player

Submitted by Gleddyfwr on March 17, 2017 - 5:59pm

I'm having a bit of trouble getting the Flash Player to work with Firefox Portable. I also can't find any recent information on how to get it working. Anyone know how I can get started on this?

The installer was unable to download Firefox Developer Edition 32bit

Submitted by sosolala on March 17, 2017 - 10:45am

Yes, the installer can be downloaded. If you run the installer, an error message appears:
quote The installer was unable to download Firefox Developer Edition 32bit ....(ERROR: File not Found (404)) unquote
Within the Platform menue it does not even appear under APPS => GET MORE APPS.
Anything I am doing wrong? I looks like a similar issue reported on Oct 23, 2016 and/or as reported on Jul 28, 2016.
I was not able to find a complete portable version (not installer only) to download. Does anyone has a link for?
Thanks for your help.

2nd Profile Utility

Submitted by Shmoe on February 21, 2017 - 10:27am

Hey Folks,

Feeling kind of dumb over here, but we deployed the Portable ESR release to our POS registers a few weeks back and now need to add a second profile. The issue seems to be that we installed it at C:\FirefoxPortable and the 2nd profile utility keeps attempting to locate it at C:\portableapps\firefoxportable.

I've tried installing it to the root of the C: drive to no avail. Any idea how I can change this without having to create that subfolder?

Thanks much!

Problems with Office 2016 files

Submitted by yanivhs on February 21, 2017 - 1:47am


I'm having problems when trying to open downloaded Office 2016 files.
When choosing to open with Excel , i'm getting this message :
" Microsoft Excel cannot open or save any more documents because there is not enough available memory or disk space"

When trying the same file with the Installed Firefox version, the files opens without any problems.
Also if I disable the protected view for internet files ( in Excel trust center ) the files will open correctly, but that's not a solution.

Firefox 51.0.1 with Geckodriver problem

Submitted by buzz2buzz on February 14, 2017 - 3:45am


I'm doing automated tests with a Selenium platform. We use Firefox Portable for browser sharing on a single VM. Until now, I used Firefox 46 and under in Portable Edition to do my tests, with Selenium 2.53 which doesn't require GeckoDriver.
Now, I wanna test new Firefox versions but Geckodriver is mandatory !

Java support for multiple versions

Submitted by adrianmarsh on February 10, 2017 - 7:35am


I've some devices which unfortunately their firmware requires specific versions of Java to access, a cross of v6, 7 and 8

I've installed x3 copies of portableapps in seperate folders, along with portable versions of Java Launcher and Browser Switch.
However, when I access the webpage and it prompts me for Java.. it always launches the OS-installed binary (java 6). I've verified which binary its calling using Process Explorer.

Am I missing something on how to get portable firefox to use the portable java version ?

Strange Profile Problem

Submitted by AllISeeIsBlack on February 2, 2017 - 6:54am

First time poster, but long-time user of portable apps!

I'm having a strange problem with Firefox. It seems to function correctly on most PCs but there's one that consistently gives me a "profile missing" error message. I click OK and then FF seems to function okay, although it periodically throws up the error.

I've error checked the drive, and tested in different USB ports, but the behaviour persists ... but only on that particular PC.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the anomaly?

Recent Firefox version not using Portable fonts feature

Submitted by Samuel Elstein on January 27, 2017 - 3:26pm

Ever since Firefox included the colored emoji font “EmojiOne Mozilla” in recent releases, It no longer loads the fonts in “X:/PortableApps/” folder (where “X” is drive letter). This is inconvenient as I set the default fonts for Firefox for those fonts in past versions.
