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Firefox Portable

Question about updating Firefox portable

Submitted by DarkBlueSky on July 11, 2016 - 3:02pm


I have Firefox portable version 45 on my windows laptop. Now I want to update to version 47 portable.

But it appears that there are two ways to update, and I don't know which one is right:

1) The build-in update possibility inside Firefox by selecting menu button / ? / About Firefox as it's described here:


Looking for Firefox Portable ESR 24.8.1

Submitted by Sprengbirne on July 5, 2016 - 8:05am

I'm looking for the Firefox Portable ESR in Version 24.8.1.
The filename is FirefoxPortableESR_24.8.1_English.paf.exe, but I can't find it in the Firefox Portable directory (
There is a virus total scan on google with this filename, so I hope this version is somewhere out there.

Is it possible to put the Firefox cache directory somewhere else than the USB?

Submitted by superbiskit on June 27, 2016 - 7:17pm

My environment: Windows-XP in a public library. PAC on a USB stick.
I previously installed Firefox Developer Edition and tried to run with it. It appeared to totally overwhelm the computer.
Nothing moved! I wound up frequently terminating my session to clean everything up, then logging in again.

Lock Preferences firefox 43.0.4 mozilla.cfg won't load

Submitted by artelias on June 21, 2016 - 11:21am


I'm currently using Portable Firefox 43.0.4. For ease of use, before deploying the new mozilla.cfg file, I always use my trusty portable version to test out the new configuration file.

Since switching to 43.0.4, the file is not being picked up. I've placed the mozilla.cfg file inside portablefirefox/app/firefox. This is the content:


What am I doing wrong? This used to work in firefox 25 but no longer works with 43.0.4,.

Thanks for helping,

Portable Firefox profile refresh and the upgrade to Windows 10

Submitted by Megafrog on June 9, 2016 - 2:45pm

Firefox Portable was great when run locally on Windows 8.1 and previous. I finally "upgraded" to Windows 10 and now Firefox Portable has a ridiculous amount of "Not Responding" errors. It's almost unusable. I read that refreshing the profile might help in the transition between different windows versions and the link went here:

Portable Dev Edition can't load pages, but vanilla can. Any idea what's up?

VectorLightning's picture
Submitted by VectorLightning on June 2, 2016 - 1:16pm

I downloaded both Firefox Portable Developer Edition and vanilla Portable Firefox, but just the vanilla one works. Dev doesn't seem to be able to load pages, the page just stays white and the pinwheel on the tab just keeps spinning. Any idea what's going on?
