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Firefox Portable

Cannot start Firefox Portable automatically when login to Windows?

Submitted by mindstormer on November 30, 2014 - 2:02pm

I received an error stating that "Firefox.exe" could not be found when I logged into Windows expecting Portable Firefox to launch automatically. I added FirefoxPortable.exe to Windows startup folder. The error recommended me to reinstall Firefox but I had no problems manually launching it.

How often is portable Aurora updated?

Submitted by prr on November 25, 2014 - 10:53am

I've been using portable FF Release for quite a while. I use Aurora on my laptop at home, and would be more than willing to give the portable aurora a shot. I'm interested in knowing, however--how often is portable auorora updated? it is normally updated every morning (the installed version). I'm wondering how often the portable version of aurora is updated. The reason why I'm asking is that the beta portable is still on version 1 or 2, although the installed version is at either 10 or 11.

Manual Proxy Configuration Not Working?

Submitted by Live4TheRisk on November 8, 2014 - 2:58am

Hey guys,

I'm trying to create firefox portables to use for each of the proxies I have.

When I go to manual proxy configuration and enter in details it seems to work, but if I exit firefox portable and then reload it I keep seeing "Problem loading page"

It doesn't even give me the window to put in username/password on loadd up.

Sometimes I just wait for a while and then the pop up comes up.

How can I make this work? Any ideas?

Error message after closing of menu

Submitted by tapsklaps on October 29, 2014 - 6:31pm

After closing of the menu, I get the following error message:

Error message

Here the translation of the content of this message:

The following portable applications are still being used:

Mozilla Firefox

Please close all portable applications and try again.

However, the Firefox browser is closed on my PC.

Firefox crashes before I can even do anything

Submitted by Ashura on October 29, 2014 - 12:49am

A couple days ago I was downloading something on firefox but in the middle of that download the power went out when I got back on all my history was gone and now firefox crashes before I can even do anything.

I tried deleting the folder and reinstalling it but that didn't fix the problem, is there anything that can be done to fix firefox?

Portable Firefox updated to 33.0.2 and is not in oficial website. (Updated)

Submitted by CesarAugusto on October 28, 2014 - 5:39pm

Hi. This is my first post and i am PortableApps user.

Minutes ago my Portable FF show a new update advise to 33.0.2 version. I click on it and almost 3MB download was applied. I post this because this release is not in oficial website. And my Portable FF is set to 33.0.2 version. See this picture:

Anyone saw this too?

FF 33.0.1 portable is malfunctioning

Submitted by Houston on October 25, 2014 - 3:37am

There are a couple of major problems I have noticed so far. First and foremost, the newly designed "Open Menu" icon, on the far right side of main menu bar, does not appear to function at all when I click it. There is no error message; it just shows the little clue as I hover over it, but that is all it does. Secondly, when I use the Menu bar for View > Toolbars > Customize, the customizer does not open at all. So, since it is not accessible there or from the aforemention "Open Menu" icon, it is not available anywhere now.

Displayerrors after upgrade to version 33

Submitted by swessels on October 16, 2014 - 1:02am

Good morning!

After upgrading to version 33 there are severe diplay errors.
The main window is transparent, message boxes have a black background.
Menuitems, buttons etc are not visible and / or accessible.

A complete new installation of Firefox portable doesn't help.

The browser is completely unusable.

Are there modified settings for display- or graphic handling in use?
The system inuse is a Core I5 with intel HD graphics, Win7 Enterprise.

Thanks for your opinions,

