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Thunderbird Portable

Folders not appearing

Submitted by InShaneee on November 5, 2006 - 6:14pm

I just put TBP on my new flashdrive, and I followed the instructions to transfer the profile from my local TB install into it, but none of my folders are appearing. The Account Settings show all the correct settings from the transfered profile, and even my Address book is appearing ok, but no folders. Any thoughts?

Deleted e-mails keep popping back into my Inbox

Submitted by Dauphinflyer on November 4, 2006 - 8:03pm

It has happended only twice in Tbird portable, but in the full fat version on two different computers miles apart I have the very anoying problem of Deleted e-mails from years gone by retruning into my Inbox though I had them deleted thoroughly. Is this a virus or what am I doing wrong. thank you for any help.

Regards D.F.

How to access emails on IMAP server?

arqbrulo's picture
Submitted by arqbrulo on October 30, 2006 - 7:17pm

I already have setup TBP to retrieve my emails at work, but when I go home, it cannot connect to the server at work (obviously). What can I do to be able to read/write emails from work? I really don't know much (actually nothing) about IMAP (or anything else related to email/internet), so I don't know if the fact that the server name ends in ".local" is relevant or not.

Where to put profile?

Submitted by Miles on October 29, 2006 - 6:32pm

In the site
it reads, "Just copy all of those files to the Data\profile directory within Thunderbird Portable."

It tried to overwrite the existing default profile folder, so I stopped the install and changed the name of the default profile, then migrated the profile and changed it's name to "profile" exactly as the default read.

Presumably I can delete the renamed default profile?

Lost default msg sort by

Submitted by Miles on October 29, 2006 - 6:21pm

Installed TBP to thumb drive. Then copied over the profile. All 105 msg folders sort sequence had been set as descending and threaded reverted to the presumably default ascending & unthreaded.

This will take an hour to correct -- 2 settings each for each folder! Is there a way to prevent this? If so I would prefer to simply delete this profile, change whatever file and again migrate.

Edit draft button in IMAP Draft folder is not present

Submitted by miceno on October 29, 2006 - 5:53pm


I am running the latest available ThunderBird Portable and I am missing a features that I have previously used in other versions of ThunderBird.

When you select a message stored in a Drafts folder in an IMAP server, the message window showed an "Edit drafts..." button in the recipients area (the gray area), but now it is not showing that button.

Any clue?

Best regards.

Why TBP continues downloading old E-Mails?

Submitted by arschlebenar on October 27, 2006 - 2:34am

Hello. I am a newbie, in here but I have been using TBP for no less than months, very week I compact my folders, and also made the profile back up, but TBP continues downloading the old emails as if they were new, how can I solve this problem, I have already looked on the mozilla forums, and also in the TB forums, and followed some directions that somebody have posted, but still the same problem...should I reinstall the application on my USB drive?


Transfer Problem

Submitted by Strathy on October 27, 2006 - 12:38am

I am trying to copy my local mail files into portable. However, when I do this they are not the same - the portable files contain many emails that are not on the local version of thunderbird (they were either moved or deleted long ago.) Where are these coming from and how to I get rid of them?


