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Thunderbird Portable

clicking link in Thunderbird causes new Firefox profile to be created

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 27, 2006 - 6:25pm

How do I get Portable Thunderbird to always launch the existing Portable Firefox rather than trying to create a new non-portable Firefox profile each time?

I run Portable Thunderbird & Portable Firefox. When I click on a link in Thunderbird AND I have Firefox running everything works as it should. However when I click on link in Thunderbird and Firefox IS NOT running, it causes an error message.

Invoking PortableFirefox through Portable Thunderbird ??

Submitted by allen-1 on March 25, 2006 - 5:53pm

I'm running PortableThunderbird 1.0.7 on a USB 512mb memory stick. Along with that app, I've got PortableFirefox installed on the same device.

Both run fine, and I can move the memory stick from machine to machine and keep my application data/environment consistent. Which saves an incredible amount of time and effort on my part as I move around.

The only thing I haven't been able to figure out, (so far), is how to directly invoke PortableFirefox from a link contained within a message I'm reading in PortableThunderbird.

When I mouse over the link, it displays correctly in the status bar. If I copy/paste the link PortableFirefox finds it, but I can't simply click, double-click, or right-click on the link and have PortableFirefox act on the URL.

Local Folders

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 24, 2006 - 1:48pm

I have imported my settings from the Thunderbird of my Descktop (coping all the files of my profile in Desktop PC to the profile directory within Portable Thunderbird). I have configurated in my Portable Thunderbird new "Local Directories" for the mails of all my accounts (I have 7 accounts). But I can't do it with the "Local Direcory" for "Local Folders", it remains allways the same: "C:\Documents and Settings\...\Local Folders". I wnat to have a "Local Directory" for "Local Folders" in the Pendrive, "E:\...\Local Folders". Any special to do? Thank you.

Autorun Thunderbird?

Submitted by Danw on March 23, 2006 - 4:37pm

Does anyone know how to make Thunderbird startup automatically when the USB drive is plugged in? I don't want to install any programs on my work computer, and that is where I mostly use it.
Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,


Profile Path

Submitted by dancerstl on March 21, 2006 - 9:34pm

Is it possible to set up the user profiles outside of the program file directory structure? For example, the path to the program is:


I would like to set up a common area for my profile information on the same drive, but not under the program directory so that the data and settings wouldn't be inadvertantly erased in an upgrade or recovery. The path would be something like this:


Individual profiles could then be added below that directory as needed. So, is it possible to set up a relative path in the configuration file to correctly point to this directory? Perhaps something on the order of:

prompt for proxy password

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 19, 2006 - 11:09pm

my college network uses proxy authentication for HTTP, and I've changed the proxy setting for my thunderbird as I did with my firefox. but thunderbird doesnt prompt anythin such as proxy authentication. and I still cant get any of my email instead of an email account in my network

Portable Thunderbird won't load calendar ext.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on March 19, 2006 - 4:09am

I have successfully loaded Portable Thunderbird and Poratble Firefox. Thunderbird won't install the Poratable Calendar extension. I get the message "Can't install Calendar: invalid install program". I tried different links, and the only way I could get the calendar to install was in Portable Firefox. I'd rather have it in PTB. Any ideas?


a "memory cannot be read" and a "memory cannot be written" problem

Submitted by whisky on March 15, 2006 - 7:47pm

Hi everyone !

First of all, since English is not my native language and I am French, I apologize in advance for all the mistakes in my sentences. That said, let's get back to business. I'm a great fan of John's work andI extensively use "PortableFirefox" and "PortableThunderbird" (PTB hereafter). Everything was going with PFB until 30 minutes ago when it crashed repeatedly. Why ? Well, let me explain. Yesterday, I had the following organization : three email accounts, lets call them A, B, and C. Both B and C were "local accounts", i.e they were linked with the "local folder", and A was superior level account in the sense that it was not linked with the "local folder" (I hope I am clear). Today, well in the morning, I deciced to make all the three accounts linked with the "local folder" so I would have only one folder in the left side panel, precisely called "local folder". I have to mention that I deal with a huge ammount of mails everyday, in terms of reception and storage (for instance, I have a subfolder containing more than 3000 mails). Then I went to the "preferences" page and selected the following action for all my three accounts : "check emails at startup". Then I closed it to eat and after coming back I launched it, and here is the message I got :
