run and explode maze game

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Version 1.5 for Windows, English
9MB download / 11MB installed
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I Have No Tomatoes is a maze game where the goal is to squash the tomatoes that are chasing you. I Have No Tomatoes is an extreme leisure time activity idea of which culminates in the following question: How many tomatoes can you smash in ten short minutes? If you have the time to spare, this game has the vegetables just waiting to be eliminated! This game features solid game play with beautiful OpenGL API driven isometric 3d graphics and nice music. It also includes a MOD player, and you can use your own MOD-type music in the game background. Just copy your XM/S3M/IT/MOD - files to the the 'music' subdirectory of I Have No Tomatoes and the game plays them. You can press F1 to skip a song when ingame. There's room for 128 MODs.
Download Details

- Publisher: Mika Halttunen & PortableApps.com (Ken Herbert)
- Date Updated: 2013-05-27
- Date Added: 2013-05-27
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 & WINE
- App License: Open Source (MIT)
- Source: I Have No Tomatoes, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: ff09a4d63b2dcc092ec63fe998cbf028a8c162422ee34fa9d69afc67d43038e1