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AssaultCube's window isn't centered (automatically or manually)

Submitted by lwc on November 10, 2009 - 1:52pm

RunWindowed=true works great, but doesn't put the window in the center. As it captures the mouse even if it's on the title, you also can't move it to the center manually. So basically you have to face the left side of the screen all the time.

BTW, please remember to put this setting in the regular AssaultCubePortable.ini file next time.

Google Chrome beta and AdBlock +

Submitted by vsny on November 7, 2009 - 5:00pm

Has anyone successfully installed AdBlock+ Google Chrome Extensions? It says it should work with version 4. But I keep getting "Extensions are not enabled."

I have tried to enable-extensions in the ini file even though it says it is not necessary for version 4. It still doesn't work.

AdBlock is the only thing stopping me from dropping firefox.

GnuCash Portable localization issue

Submitted by HatteSoul on November 7, 2009 - 1:48pm


I noticed a (small) issue:
I want to use GnuCash in German, so installed the required language package and edited the "GnuCashPortableSettings.ini" as needed. But GnuCash did not start in German but in English.

I have an English Windows Vista using German as input language. Portable Apps Menu is also in English.

But if I change the language of PA Menu to German then GnuCash also starts in German even if "GnuCashPortableSettings.ini" has not been modified.

CoolPlayer+ m4a support

Submitted by kccameron on November 6, 2009 - 12:47pm

I installed the .mp4 plugin from (linked from It works fine for all my .m4a's (only about 30) except for 3 I got from a friend. These are recordings from the built-in mic on is Mac laptop. They play fine in VLC and MPlayer Portable. MPlayer's output log is identical for the files that work in CoolPlayer+ and those that don't. They seem to have the same fourcc code in the header. Any ideas?

gvim swap files

Submitted by besonen on November 4, 2009 - 2:12pm

gvim portable does not create swap files. this is important because these are used by gvim for file recovery.

i attempted to manually force the creation of swap files by adding these lines to my _vimrc file:

set updatecount=50
set updatetime=1000

no go.

any ideas on how to make gvim portable create swap files?

