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Sending email using SeaMonkey

Submitted by fergus on November 3, 2009 - 11:54am

Strange. I just installed SeaMonkey v.2.0 and I use all email settings identically as for Thunderbird. In an office (work) environment TB allows me to write and send email "as though from home" (and still does, I just checked) but SM comes up with the following error message immediately after pressing :

Sending of message failed.

Chrome Resetting to Defaults

Submitted by 95huskers on November 2, 2009 - 2:48pm

I've installed Chrome Portable on my USB drive and I thought all was well...

But it seems to be resetting back to defaults every couple of days. It will be working fine remembering recent tab, settings, passwords, etc.

Then it will open like it's never been run before. I will ask if it wants to be the default browser and all the other data is gone.

Any idea what might be going on? I really hate to lose my bookmarks, passwords, tabs, every couple of days.

Thanks in advance.

Gnucash -No possibility for OnlineBanking

Submitted by Pberlin on November 2, 2009 - 10:39am

Hi @all

I'm trying to manage my Onlinebanking now with Gnucash. I'd try with 2.2.8, now 2.2.9 -the result is the same: NO way.

I'm getting alot of errors:

Assertion failed!
Program: ... GnuCashPortable .... \qt3-wizard.exe
File: netlayer.c
Line: 579

Expression: nl

... JIT ?? must be enabled

qt3-wizard.exe hat ein Problem festgestellt und muss beendet werden.

AppName: qt3-wizard.exe AppVer: ModName: msvcrt.dll
ModVer: 7.0.2600.5512 Offset: 00025b61

libary >qt

[Fixed] Google Chrome leaves stuff behind

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on November 2, 2009 - 7:18am

I run Chrome Portable, browsed to a couple of sites, changed some settings and closed it.

It left folders and registry entries behind:

Regshot 1.8.2
Datum und Zeit:2009/11/2 10:55:09  ,  2009/11/2 10:58:00
keys added:12

Google Chrome forgets passwords

Submitted by ratcatcher on October 30, 2009 - 8:39am

If I tell Google Chrome to remember passwords they seem to be remembered for the current session OK, but some of them are missing when I shut down and restart Chrome.

I haven't found the exact pattern but it seems to be that if you have used (or perhaps saved) the username and password in the previous session, it is remembered in the next. But previously saved passwords not used in that previous session are lost (though the URLs and usernames are generally remembered).

Seamonkey and copy/paste...

spg SCOTT's picture
Submitted by spg SCOTT on October 30, 2009 - 6:58am

I may be completely off here, but is anyone else having trouble with copy and paste in SeaMonkey Portable?

I copy something from a webpage, go to paste it, and the paste option is greyed out...


After a little more investigation, I think it is an issue with the 'copy' and 'cut' commands...

Cut will take the text away, but will not update the clipboard, so when I click paste, it pastes the thing on the clipboard from before opening seamonkey...

Updating GoogleChromePortable

Submitted by Devo on October 29, 2009 - 2:10pm

This is probably bring up an old topic, but I think it has some merit now that GoogleChrome is official.

Chrome is a quick browser, but still includes tracking features. There have been many forks (i.e., Iron) that have modified chromium to meet different needs. When GoogleChromePortable is installed, it completely removes the /GoogleChromePortable/App/ folder taking with it any fork that was installed there forcing the user to install it again.
