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Notepad++ 5.3.1 ftp cache issue

Submitted by teh_duke on April 9, 2009 - 10:29am

I have recently upgraded to the latest version of Notepad++ (5.3.1) and am no longer able to work with ftp files. I use the ftp plugin included with the program. When I go to open a file, the file cannot be written to the device and does not open. When I change the cache location for the account, the file will download and open, but when I save it, it will not upload to the server. Is this a known problem? I have reinstalled N++ multiple times and still have the problem. This problem is present on multiple computers that I have tried it on as well. Any ideas?

Infra Recorder

netbuddy's picture
Submitted by netbuddy on April 7, 2009 - 7:34am

I have tried this app on a couple of machines, on one it can not detect the DVD RW drive and as soon as I select that drive to help it, the computer stops with a serious error of the blue screen type with a dump of information request that I switch off the machine, which is about all it will do. Some message like IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL or something like that and a whole bunch of figures and information that I am not about to spend time typing in. If images could be uploaded I would be happy to because the only thing I could do is take a photo.

[Fixed] Notepad++ 5.3.1, settings not saved

Submitted by NiMhurchu on April 6, 2009 - 6:02pm

Hi all,

Notepad++ 5.3.1 keeps forgetting my settings/preferences, e. g. language, "enable close button", "don't remember last opened files" etc.
I am running Vista 64 Bit.

The data\settings directory looks like that when Notepad++ is closed:

... and that when Notepad++ is open:

NotePad++ Multiple Instances -multiInst

Submitted by roop on April 6, 2009 - 10:39am

Problem I've got is on a shared server with multiple people logged in via RDP and when we double click on a text file we often get told that another instance of Portable NotePad++ is open and to close other instances and try again.

I found the -multiInst command line variable that can be passed into the exe to allow Multiple Instances of the app to run at once, but I can't see how to do this in a setting within the PortableApp folder.

need some help on XAMPP /apache

Submitted by ottosykora on April 6, 2009 - 3:56am

I am quite a newbie on the xampp and the contents, but wanted do some tests where I would like to run the apache. Got it somehow half working. The apache was on, at least it grabbed the port 80 and so on, but the defoult site under htdoc could not be displayed.
I tried to follow all instructions in the config files, but no luck.

I there an specialist for that around?

Need simply to launch the apache, apche only would be fine.

Notepad++ 5.3.1, Drag&Drop not working

Submitted by NiMhurchu on April 1, 2009 - 11:40am


I can't get drag&drop to work.
I am using Notepad++ Portable 5.3.1 on a Vista 64 Bit system, setting "Lock (no drag&drop)" off.
Regardless of where I try to drag&drop a text file (title bar, menu bar, tab bar, text area), NP++ will either display the "not possible" mouse cursor (the stroke-through circle) or will indeed display the "add" mouse cursor (a plus sign), but after releasing the mouse button, it will not open the file.

How can I open files via drag&drop, did I miss something?

Thanks alot,


GnuCash Language

Submitted by alcorarg on March 29, 2009 - 10:33pm

Hi !
Im trying to change the language of the GnuCash.

I try creating:

I put thouse in the GnuCashPortable\Data\Settings and GnuCashPortable .

Inside I add LANG=es and Lang=es .... but nothing ...

How I have to do ??

Thanks !
