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where am I going wrong - winwget

Submitted by anon_private on February 17, 2009 - 7:48pm

Still can't get winwget downloading.

Here is the log.

where am I going wromg?

--2009-02-18 00:44:16--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 90604656 (86M) [application/octet-stream]
F:": Invalid argumentF:"/OpenOffice.org_Portable_3.0_en-us.paf.exe: Invalid argument


Submitted by anon_private on February 17, 2009 - 12:43pm

I have installed winwget to a flashdrive, but I can't workout how to use it to download openoffice portable, and how to use resume. I am using IE.

Any help appreciated.


StickManager 1.5

Submitted by DeafScribe on February 5, 2009 - 5:27pm

I downloaded it from and managed to install it to my C: drive!

Now it's creating all kinds of havoc with several apps, and I'd like to uninstall it, but the help files are inoperative and I can't locate any online documentation. I tried uninstalling it using WinXP's Add/Remove utility, but that doesn't seem to do the job.

This after I coaxed my fiancee away from IE in favor of Firefox. If this isn't resolved soon, she's going back to the Dark!

PNotes 4.5 bugs

oucil's picture
Submitted by oucil on February 4, 2009 - 3:30am

The 4.5 release of PNotes has some bugs in it that weren't in the 4.0 release, I can no longer get a working "Hide All" keyboard shortcut to work, and when I try to re-assign it to the "Win + -" that I used to use successfully, it tells me that "Win + +" is already assigned (yes it's confusing the + and - keys). I do use the Win + + for the Show All keyboard shortcut though so don't know if it's confusing with that one or what?!?! Anyhow tried to revert to the old copy and it no longer works either.

Infra Recorder inproperly buring live cd

Submitted by mayorpacmanjones on January 31, 2009 - 11:24pm

Okay I had my ipod with infra recorder on it connected. I was burning linpus linux( ) to a cd to try out linpus. I am planning on getting the Asus Eee Pc and I am not sure to get Linpus or Xp. During the boot When the kernel would start it said
wmlinux/(I forget)

Changing .exe to .cmd not working

Submitted by Bliepo on January 28, 2009 - 12:53pm

Well, allright. I will first start with a little introduction. I am a great fan of Portable software, as not everyone has the software I use. I use it mostly for school and everything was fine until about a year ago.

What happened was that they installed a program which blocks all executables except those on a whitelist. Off course we immediately searched for a solution and we found one.
