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Editing Portable MPlayer

Submitted by Kevster on March 21, 2009 - 10:19pm

Well I just got MPlayer for MP4 portable playing purposes and decided to mess around with the files and copying and pasteing. I copy and pasted: mplayer (mplayer - Movie Player) and MPUI and ran those only with a video file. And apparently it worked, which makes me wonder several questions?:

-Am what am I doing is legal since Im editing it even though its under GPI?
-Will this damage my pc as it lagged everything after an hour.
-And is everything that extracted out of Portable MPlayer necisarily as I'm trying to conserve room on my USB?

Portable Xenon and Portable Teracopy

Submitted by xlegs on March 21, 2009 - 8:58pm

I downloaded Teracopy Portable 2.0 Beta 3 from Code Sector's website. It cannot be designated as the default copy handler, so is there a way to integrate it into Xenon?

I have found these instructions on the TeraCopy Portable Help

It looks doable, but I just don't know how to add a custom button into Xenon.

Much appreciated,


Submitted by muldrec on March 12, 2009 - 9:32am

Any ideas on how to make SimplifyMedia work on a USB drive?

It appears there's something in the registry that it needs to run. I tried it unsuccessfully on my USB drive on a different computer than the one from which I completed the installation.


App Issues with Compactor

Just1Ghost's picture
Submitted by Just1Ghost on March 11, 2009 - 1:17pm

Hello all, I'm hoping you (someone) can help me with a major catastrophe...

I DL'd the latest "App Compressor" in an attempt to save some space and perhaps fit more apps on my thumbdrive...un(dirtyword)fortunately, I comPLETEly neglected/forgot to BACK UP MY DATA (there, y'happy?!?) before I compressed, well, I can't seem to UNcompress things to a degree that will allow the apps to even WORK!!! (Point of order, they didn't work once I'd comressed them "correctly" either)

GnuCash 2.2.9

Submitted by dmangul on March 10, 2009 - 3:51pm

GnuCash 2.2.9 have been released yet.
When will GnuCashPortable release?

Where is any instructions for make from GnuCash -> GnuCashPortable?
Must I change for it "GnuCashPortable/App/GnuCash" files to new version?
