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Frets on Fire works with guitars

NathanJ79's picture
Submitted by NathanJ79 on May 8, 2009 - 12:50am

Been meaning to point this out for a while. If you plug a Guitar Hero guitar into a Windows XP (or newer) computer, it'll seek and actually find drivers for it - from there it's just another gamepad, albeit a funny-shaped one. It will then work with Frets on Fire after you configure it to read a gamepad instead of a keyboard.

Randomly losing data with Amsn portable.

Submitted by Forlornhope on May 7, 2009 - 4:24pm

hey there for some reason my amsn portable is randomly losing emotes and data even tho its in its data files. i often copy the app from the thumb drive to my desktop; when I'm using it at home then back because I like how its self contained and easy to back up. But sometimes emotes arent available and my font and settings and everything changes back to defaults for no reason even if it was on the hard drive at the time I'll reboot and all my settings will be gone.

Making Plone 3 portable

Submitted by cioma on April 30, 2009 - 1:08pm

Well, actually "semi-portable" Smile

So for some time I've been searching for a good personal information manager. First I was using EssentialPIM, then I switch to MoinMoin (personal wiki) and then I came to Plone - a content management system ( The only problem was that it was rather hard to make it portable before. But since current version (3.2.2) they introduced 'buildout' - and easy way to setup and change your Plone installation. So here is the recipe:

1. download Plone windows installer (

2. extract it with Universal Extractor

cornice portable

Submitted by David_K on April 29, 2009 - 8:17pm

Hello, I am new to the forums and hope I get this in the right spot.
I have tried to install cornice portable on my usb stick it installs the icon shows up but when I click on it the splash screen shows and nothing else happens
but when I check cornice.exe is running am I missing something with this app oh also it wants to go on the internet everytime I start it but no GUI of any kind.
thanks for any help you can give me.

is their a way to make my own launcher

Submitted by berrios27 on April 27, 2009 - 12:42am

is their a way to make my won launcher like appportable.nsi script or can any one point out a way to make one i have an app called advanced window password recovery program and i kno it is a closed source so i was wondering if i can make it on my own with a different splash.jpg and so on just need to kno on how to make one for it if any one can point it out

Attempting to get Lightscreen Portable to capture anything

Submitted by Tom Clarke on April 26, 2009 - 3:11pm

Downloaded .5
Installed on both thumb drive and on hard drive as a standalone app
Using Windows XP Home edition version 5.1
When I double tap "LightscrenPortable.exe", I get the Lightscreen splash screen and a "Lightscreen" window containing a "Screenshot", "Options", "Hide" and "Quit",

On-Screen Keyboard - Cyrillic ???

Submitted by girlgeek XD on April 26, 2009 - 7:43am

Hey everybody,

I just installed the On-Screen Keyboard and was very happy to see, that you can select cyrillic font (>>>russian *g*).
But however, I can select it, but the letters on the keyboard won't change and it won't type cyrillic and the next time I open it it has even set back to western font...
Can anybody help me to get this working? This was the main reason why I installed it, so that I would have the possibility to type cyrillic on every PC I get to use...
