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GnuCash running from stick

Submitted by whynot on January 15, 2009 - 6:30am

I recently used GnuCash under linux. Now i installed it on my laptop at home and also on a usb-stick. GnuCash from stick runs fine at home. But when i want to use it in the office it tells me that it has to do some entries in the registry. As i have no admin rights i just submitted the window and hoped that GnuCash would start as usual. But nothing happened. The splashscreen didn't dissappear and the application seems to stuck. I just could terminate it by deleting the process in the taskmanager.

dscrypt error

Submitted by jbdes12 on January 13, 2009 - 9:32pm

Hello everyone,
I appreciate your help in advance.. Like so many others, I tried "dsCrypt.exe" to encrypt one of my file.. Stupid enough that I tried it on a file that I regularly use. But now when I try to decrypt it, it says, "The data is invalid" and that's it.

I can't get it back and it's a life & death situation. I have to get that file back.. Does anyone know, what's causing that error? I read thru "info" section and it says "A verified password is indicated by the yellow backgroun". But my decryption fails..

Please help me..

GnuCash Problem & Crash

Submitted by lodestone on January 13, 2009 - 2:00pm

GnuCash has taken to opening displaying the following error:
GnuCash could not obtain the lock for V:\GnuCashPortable\Data\Profile\FILENAME

That database may be in use by another user, in which case you should not open the database. What would you like to do?

Open Anyway Create New File Quit

There is no other user accessing it. I select Open Anyway. Within a few minutes I get an error message that gnucash-bin.exe has crashed.

I've encountered this on two different XP SP2 pro machines.

Log file follows:

Portapps menu auto start

Submitted by Portme on January 12, 2009 - 6:03am

I not sure what I did but my portable app menu wont auto start any more.
Here is the ini:


Yes it's geek menu but they are basically the same program and my port menu was
doing this before geek menu.


Gnucash loading

Submitted by moidibe on January 5, 2009 - 11:45am

Hello !I have just install gnucash and i can't launch gnucash

I have a problem with gnucash.I have just install gnucash and i can't launch it. Indeed, when i click on the icon, nothing appears on the screen. In the windows processus, i just see few second the name of the program
"GnuCashPortable.exe" and after it disappears.

I have tried with 3 or 4 versions of gnucash but i have always this problem.

Can you help me ? I think this program is very useful and i want use it.

Thank you.
