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installation problem of portableapps_suite_standard_1.0.exe

Submitted by tapash on September 9, 2007 - 1:36am

when i try to install the suit after copying it in my thumb drive of even diretly from my computer, an error like this comes "portableapps_suite_standard_1.0.exe is not a supported archieve". i installed 7zip in the thumb drive, but that did not work.i have a 256 mb drive, and protable mozila firefox and thunderbird works fine . also i can;t download the standard suit afresh because dap 8.5 can;t find the server.

GNUAccounting instruction is confusing

Submitted by foxcole on September 6, 2007 - 4:03pm

The README file for GNUAccounting (which I found on while looking for an older version of OpenOffice Portable) was written by a programmer who seems to think everyone knows his language... The application comes in a tar.gz file, and it's easy enough to uncompress it to my USB key, but I have a couple of questions.

What does "run" mean in this instruction: Now change into the directory gnuaccounting and run "./".

How do I "run" a .sh file? What is this file?

Also, under "Additional Features" in that Readme file is this:

MPlayer sound is always in Spanish for DVDs

Submitted by foxcole on September 6, 2007 - 3:24pm

In the regular installation of MPlayer, without changing any options, the sound is always in Spanish. I have to either change the sound driver from DirectSound to Win32, or in the Audio Track submenu (under Tools) have to change from 128 (en) to 129 (en). Neither of these settings "stick" so they have to be done for every DVD I play. (In the Options dialog, I can change Language from Auto-Select to English and still the DVD plays in Spanish until I make one of the changes mentioned above.) I have nothing against Spanish, mind.... I can even understand some of it.

MySQL in XAMPPlite

Submitted by chillicane on September 4, 2007 - 6:28am

Having trouble getting MySQL in XAMPPlite to work on different machine from the one i set up on intially.

Set up database on XP machine on V: drive and now cannot get ANY mysql databases to work on a windows 2000 machine on K: drive using the USB key. I get the error.

Incorrect information in file: '.\\.frm'

for all databases and tables loaded in my database setup. All MySQL references to this error appear to be releated to long closed bugs in old MySQL setups

Anyone got any ideas? It really looks like XAMPP isnt too portable after all!

XAMPPlite in portablesuite panel

tasch's picture
Submitted by tasch on September 4, 2007 - 4:35am

I have just installed portableapps suite.
Now, after installing xampplite
In my suitepanel there are six icons concerning with xampp.
All of them for six exe files located in xammp main directory.

But i want to have only one for xampp-control in my panel.
how can I remove icons from panel without removing apps ?

best regards

[Self Promotion] USA CRYPT 1.0 is here (portable)

Submitted by zabiyako on August 26, 2007 - 1:56pm


I have made a portable version of my software. I would like you
include this version in your PortableAppsSuite (TM)


USA CRYPT is a smart, powerful and easy-to-use file-encryption tool
that works with Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm - 256bit

Operation mode: OFB

You may use passwords in your own language (Russian, Ukrainian, etc).

If you want to encrypt your e-mail you may open Notepad or MS Word
type your letter after that save it as a file. Encrypt it, zip it with
WinZip (Compressed folder under XP) and attach the file to your
