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crystaldiskinfo and registry entries

Submitted by bill125 on December 3, 2012 - 9:15am

HI All
I am using the current version and installed to my A drive(usb stick) and it works fine but I noticed a registry entry in shell no roam in referance to the program and the A drive,no biggie as I can remove it but is this normal?

I searched the registry and found it,just curious.I dont use the program much but I like it!

Notepad++ is freezing

Submitted by nubbel on December 3, 2012 - 6:16am


since last Update (to 6.2.2) Notepad++ is freezing after doing some editing. Almost direct after marking some lines of code with "Shift+Arrow Up/Down" to delete them.
The rest of my system is running fine.



Songbird - sort by file name

Submitted by rskempf on December 1, 2012 - 3:52pm

Greetings, I routinely listed to podcasts and download a month's worth of shows each batch. I listen in the car on the way to and from work and while exercising. I would like to sort the playlist by filename, since the source names the files with a logical date string.

Songbird will not display the filename. Does anyone have a solution or can you recommend another audio player portable app that will serve this need?


How to start SpeedyFox from cmd

Submitted by farat_as on December 1, 2012 - 5:28am


I start to use SpeedyFox with it's GUI. It cleans my portable Firefox and Chrome. But I could not understand why it does not works from command line.

I open the command line and I type:

D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\SpeedyFoxPortable\App\SpeedyFox\speedyfox.exe /Firefox:"D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\Data\profile" /Chrome:"D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable\Data\profile"

But It gives me this error:

D:\PortableApps\PortableApps\ConsolePortable>Invalid profile specified.
Invalid profile specified.

BabelMap Help AWOL

Submitted by dlwatib on November 30, 2012 - 11:36am

Selecting Help/Help Topics or pressing F1 generates the following error message:

Failed to launch help.

No indication as to why the launch was unsuccessful. I see no indication online that there are any additional help files to install.

Help/About works and shows that I am running:
BabelMap Version
Windows 2000/XP/Vista 7 Build.
I'm running the version packaged by

I'm running Windows 8 on a 64 bit laptop system. I also have applied KB17607 which installs the legacy Windows help system on my machine.

[Fixed] TyperTask - Portable Paths break

Submitted by MichaelDW on November 27, 2012 - 9:40am

Portable paths break as soon as you change computers.

You define : {Control}{Shift}{Alt}XVIEW=RUN: K:\PortableApps\XnViewPortable\XnViewPortable.exe

Works as long as you are on the computer that your portable device = K:\ .
As soon as you move to another computer that has a different letter for your portable device (lets say I:\). The above command breaks and will not work at all. And this happens regardless of weather or not the path is inclosed in "" ("K:\PortableApps\XnViewPortable\XnViewPortable.exe" for example.).

ToDoList — Task reminder problem

Submitted by CabbageTree on November 26, 2012 - 7:25am

Hi there,

I noticed a problem when setting a Reminder to the task.
data-file I am working on. If I change any task, the file has to be saved. If I set Reminder to the task, the file need not to be saved. This means, that the Reminder time is not stored within the main data-file.

It cause a problem, when I share the main task data-file using Dropbox. If I set Reminder to some task in one computer, on the other computer all tasks are synchronized except the Reminder info.

Is it a bug or regular behaviour? Did somebody noticed it?

Thank you!

is there a launcher for mediamonkey 4 portable?

Submitted by drugo on November 26, 2012 - 5:44am


mediamonkey is an amazing mediaplayer , it features a portable version too
it's free and gold version

i'm talking about the v4

but is not very portable because it left so many registry keys

i run a reg scan and i foun so many

so does someone develop a launcher that can take care about all this registry key to make mediamonkey full portable?

