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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Default Data question

Submitted by farat_as on October 27, 2012 - 2:41am


This directory: "\App\DefaultData" is changing (overriding) after update the portable app?

I am thinking to copy all files of "\Data" directory to "\App\DefaultData". So If someone will change my app settings, I can bring back my own default (old) settings by removing "\Data" directory? Is that possible?

Thank you!

Help. how to run more that one instance of same portable app

Submitted by davidmaiden18183 on October 25, 2012 - 4:02am

Hi I really need to be able to run two instances of firefox portable, one that is an older version of firefox which I can skin to look like internet explorer, and another that is the latest version which is demand to view some websites.

If I make a copy of the portable and and try and run it again is say one instance is already running.

I have tried renaming .exe's etc to no avail, it still says it is already running with the first instance.

Can anyone advise if its possible to get two instances running and how I might do it.

Need some direction :) on starting an app

Submitted by flyinhawaiian on October 24, 2012 - 11:25pm

I just signed up, and was hoping to get some direction on a travel app we want to develope. Is this the right forum for that?
The app is a travel app, which would have locations of restaurants, gas stations, hotels, equine centers and the like. Where do I start?
Is there software out there that is available to me that if I want the location of a hotel in Redding Calif, It would give me all the hotels in and around Redding? or if I wanted to find the nearest Diesle truck shop in Nampa Idaho it would do the same?
I didn't know where to start, so here I am Smile
Any guidence is appreciated!

Thoughts on Nagware? Should we allow it?

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on October 22, 2012 - 12:33am

We've recently run into the question of whether we should allow nagware here at Nagware are apps that are free but will nag you about registering or purchasing the full version at every launch. We're not talking about a single entry in a menu with a link to the professional version, but a nag that you have to dismiss over and over.

How Does Cloud Drive Implementation Work

Submitted by cristco on October 18, 2012 - 4:24pm

I use Thunderbird, and my contacts and calendar sync to a Google GMail account. But GMail can't access external addresses via IMAP, only POP. I can use to get email but the interface sucks and I can't see my contacts or calendar.

Ideally I want a browser-based version of Thunderbird that accesses contacts and calendar from Google (which is synced from my desktop). Not sure if that is possible.

When I'm away from my desktop and have to access my e-mail, it may be on a public computer and I may not remember to carry a flash drive around with me everywhere.
