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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Sponsor or Donation?

Submitted by GrahamG on October 5, 2012 - 3:49am

I donated $160 (100 UKP) two days ago. Didn't notice the difference between Sponsor and donor. It would be nice to see my name in lights for three months (only kidding!). Nevertheless, a "thank you" email would have hit the mark.

Graham Goater, Cambridge, UK (if you are trying to locate it on PayPal John).


Not a bad effort on the menu

Submitted by rectitude on October 4, 2012 - 5:42am

I like the update mechanism, but pity it cannot pause a download.

I also like the incremental updates, is it possible to download extension frameworks, templates and extra things for apps in future?

I also think the menu performs much better than in the past, no more buggy opening and closing, hiding and double click nonsense as before...

Maybe it will one day include a direct login to obtain favorites in the browser among other things, since I note mozilla spectacularly fails this test while opera only partially succeeds (reasons I will not give unless quoted).

File Association in 12.0?

Submitted by GrahamG on October 3, 2012 - 12:46pm

Just a quick question regarding integrated file association in PA 12.0.

Will this function in the same way that (say) eXpresso does at the moment, or will it be a bit slicker than that?

eXpresso works fine when you are opening a saved file and you then specify the portableapp to use for opening. eXpresso is no good at opening URL links in email messages - or at least that I can see.

I click on a URL link in Thunderbird and would like the link open in (say) my portable Google Chrome app. But that doesn't happen, instead the link opens MS Internet Explorer.

Why Bonjour?

Submitted by hwfa on September 30, 2012 - 8:26am

Not sure if this is the right place for this; if not, please let me know which is the right place.

Why is Bonjour included as an app displayed in the PortableApps menu? What is it for? I think this is new behaviour - or have I inadvertently changed some option somewhere to make it appear (which option, where please)?

aimp showing up in "other" category

Submitted by kargandarr on September 28, 2012 - 10:21pm

I installed the newest version of AIMP portable on my usb drive recently to try it out.  I open the portableapps menu and see that it is listed as an "other" in the menu.  How do I get it to show up in the "music and video" category?  If there is a way of putting the icons and shortcuts in the correct category, please, let me know how this is done.  If this is the wrong forum area, I am sorry about putting it here.
