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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

[Fixed] Installer could result in deleted files if user manually types an incorrect install location

Submitted by romulous on September 25, 2012 - 10:07am

I know this is my fault for not having a backup of the files, but I wanted to just warn people to be careful with the PAF installers, as they wipe a folder before they actually install the app, as I have just found out to my cost.

I downloaded the Java Portable installer, and ran it. It detected a PAF thumbdrive in my PC, and wanted to install there. I changed the install path to a folder on my C drive. Stupidly, I told it to install to the root of that folder, and not a new folder (such as Java or similar) that the installer could create inside that folder.

Faster 11.0 release and then a 12.0 release to get more features 'stable' faster or longer 11.0 beta? (Same overall timeframe)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on September 23, 2012 - 5:35pm

Hey gang. We're debating between doing a longer beta for 11.0 and including all the features we want to or splitting it between an 11.0 and a 12.0 for about the same timeframe to get 1/2 the features out to 'stable' users faster. We're talking about integrated file associations instead of needing an add-on, retention of app installers, customization of platform folders, new automation functionality, search enhancements, speed improvements/app caching, proxy support, app store searching, etc.

Notepad++ data folder

Submitted by Drugoy on September 18, 2012 - 6:47pm

Hi, I use portable version of Notepad++. It has "Data" folder which has "Settings" subfolder and which has "plugins" subfolder.
I code in AutoHotkey scripting language, so I use a modified lexer to support AutoHotkey's syntax.
Here is the archive: with the plugin that should add support of external lexers. If I put this archive's contents to the "settings" folder (so "plugin" folders get merged) - the plugin doesn't get installed.

Does Notepad++ portable support profiles like Firefox portable does?

Master password behaviour changed?

vanzan's picture
Submitted by vanzan on September 18, 2012 - 1:52pm

I found a usb key that i used John's awesome Portable Firefox on years ago. I had a master password set. I notice that when I first start up Firefox it immediately asks for the master password.

I downloaded the latest apps suite program and installed the new Portable Firefox. I set a master password but it doesn't prompt you for it until you go to a site needing login details. It seems you can use the browser to your heart's content as long as you avoid a login page. This means someone can browse all your bookmarks also.


vanzan's picture
Submitted by vanzan on September 18, 2012 - 11:35am

I know this has been asked before but all the search results were relatively old so here goes: Is there any way I can protect my passwords etc if I lose my usb drive or it gets stolen please? I'm thinking "No" so is the only option a usb drive that comes with encryption? Thank you!

installation folder

Submitted by whiteaxxxe on September 18, 2012 - 4:44am

are you kidding me? I was always a big fan of portableapps, but its ridiculous that you force me to have my "portable" apps installed in a special place, for it is not allowed to install them in the usual place where all apps are installed.

what means "portable" to you? you dont have to tell me, what I do on my computer. its embarassing.
