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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Trend Micro Announces HijackThis to Go Open Source - just wanted to share

bill_gagliardi's picture
Submitted by bill_gagliardi on February 17, 2012 - 2:25pm

I just saw on, that Trend Micro has decided to make HijackThis Open Source. I used to love this program for combatting malware, though it has become dated. Hopfully, this will breath some new life into it. I would love to add this to the list of programs (when it gets released, that is).

The link to the actual announcement is at I hope it was ok to post this. If not, I apologize.

How do I turn off automatic updating of Skype?

Submitted by Timelord2067 on February 16, 2012 - 6:48pm


How do I turn off automatic updating of Skype Portable? Without asking me, Skype Portable silently downloads a new version of itself then proudly announces that it has installed said download without my permission. This is annoying as it clogs my connection for use on other tasks.

Mid-last year, I also had Skype Portable attempting to install itself onto the host computer that I was using which caused no end of grief.

(Before anyone asks just remember; not everyone is on 'all you can eat' internet connections)

Eject problem ?

Submitted by crookadile on February 15, 2012 - 12:10pm

I don't use the language bar on my laptop so I have it hidden.

When I use the eject feature of the platform my language bar shows up for about 1 second ( in the system tray ) before the platform is actually ejected.

Is this normal ?

[Closed] Can't install Chrome on local hard drive, falsely complains about read-only rights: why?

McFlurry's picture
Submitted by McFlurry on February 14, 2012 - 3:41pm

Hi everyone.

I'd like to install Chrome Portable (GoogleChromePortable_17.0.963.46_online.paf) in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Chrome" on my Windows 7 box (for evaluation purposes only, since I'm not ready to give up my regular browser just yet). However, no matter how I do I can't get it working - Chrome won't start (saying that it "appears to be running from a location that is read-only", then asking me if I'd like to "temporarily copy it to the local hard drive and run it from there").

Question about Truecrypt License (sorry if this is a stupid question)

bill_gagliardi's picture
Submitted by bill_gagliardi on February 14, 2012 - 2:16am

In the past, I've seen that a PortableApps version of Truecrypt couldn't be done because of licensing issues. It appears that Truecrypt has gone open source as stated here (see the top), and the source code can be found here. This is not a request for it, but rather a question of if it is able to be made into a PortableApps version . I know it has it's own portable mode. If it can, I will make an official request in the correct forum. Thank you..

Using PortableApps and turning off computer

Submitted by atjnjk on February 13, 2012 - 3:41am

I use portable apps mainly to keep the Windows system clean and make it easier to switch between Windows systems. I've got many portable apps automatically start with the system. After each working session, I have to manually exit those apps (or else setting/data will remain in system drive) then turn off my computer. Is there a more convenient solution for saving apps' data automatically before the computer turns off?
