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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

may i download an older skype portable version?

Submitted by drugo on August 10, 2011 - 5:48am


i updated to the last version of skype portable

but i was a mistake

i mean skype every time i run , open automatically Home Page each time i start

and it's really annoying

the old version of skpe did not

i'm tring to browse
but can not find skype

could you help me?


Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on August 7, 2011 - 4:54am

Is it legal to sell the platform on ebay?
Someone posted it on IRC and I thought I ask here.
I think it is legal as long as you find someone dumb enough to pay for something that is free Smile

After a brainstorming session I have an idea... portable drive snapshots

Submitted by Jörmungandr on August 6, 2011 - 2:39am

Obviously what I'm about to suggest could be handled by a separate app and perhaps that's the way to go ultimately... but in my mind this should be integrated into or at least an addon for the platform itself.

So what am I talking about? Well... snapshots combined with an auto-revert feature. A way to revert any external changes to the files on the portable drive automatically.


New Home Page Design -- problematic

Submitted by honstein on August 5, 2011 - 3:15pm

About the home page redesign...

In the past, I always had as my home page when I start my browser. It was a great way to have a quick glance at what's new. Now, the home page is filled with marketing material which is geared toward newcomers. It makes my eyes glaze over -- not because it's not good (it is), but because I've already seen the marketing information and I'm not going to reread it all the time.

The important information -- updates and news, has been moved below the fold from its proper location, which is above the fold.

Lack of application updates.

rhapdog's picture
Submitted by rhapdog on August 5, 2011 - 10:45am

I have noticed that some of my favorite applications have been updated, but there is no update on to make them available to me in the format that I like.

I was wondering if application updates are on a hiatus for a while? It seems not much has been released in the way of applications since July 18, 2011.

Of strongest concern to me are the following programs:

Latest versions:

  • Listary 3.23 Build 577, August 1, 2011
  • AkelPad 4.6.4, August 1, 2011
  • Notepad++ 5.9.3, July 24, 2011
  • XnView 1.98.2, July 19, 2011

utorrent works after pulling out usb drive

Submitted by throwthispa on August 4, 2011 - 12:51pm

Hi all.
Just to share something i thought was interesting. Couldn't find any one else discussing or mentioning this so here goes.
I started a download from utorrent off my external HDD, and maybe about halfway into it i decided to eject the disk. Went about my ways, watched a dvd, came back to find my torrent completed. With utorrent portable still running.

checked the task manager (Windows7) and opened the file location, it simply went into the Desktop\Computer folder but obviously can't show the usb disk that was pulled out.

portable apps, like a boss!

AbiWord problem

Submitted by crookadile on August 4, 2011 - 10:29am

Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but here goes.

I have searched the forum and can't find an answer

I downloaded and installed the latest version of Abiword and it worked fine except for the splash screen showing.

I have the disable splash screen box ticked on the new platform but it does not work with this particular app. So I thought I would disable it the old fashioned way ( disable splashscreen=true )and placing the .ini file in the correct place.

Now when I try to start Abiword I get a message saying that Abiword Portable cannot start, abiword.exe cannot be found.
