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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

"Norton Internet Security: Netbooks Edition"

NathanJ79's picture
Submitted by NathanJ79 on August 10, 2009 - 5:29am

Not a request, I swear!

Anybody seen this? The Staples ad this weekend has it. $25 if you buy a computer, $50 otherwise, comes on a flash drive that says exactly that on it (topic title). Looks generic, but nicer than your average SanDisk Cruzer.

I was just flipping through that, and the Best Buy ad looking at flash drives and portable hard drives wondering when I was going to see a flash drive preloaded with PortableApps stuff, which I know is a ways off, when I saw this.

Searching forumn

Submitted by jamcomm on August 8, 2009 - 7:38am

Can someone fix the forumns search functionality so that it gives the option of listing all posts in reverse order of being posted? i.e. So the most recent posts appear first?

Presumably it displays them by what it thinks is the most relevant - but something like google has where you can switch to the most recent would be more useful about 50% of the time. (that's why google has this option)

atm, if you search for something like "server", the first few posts are from 2007-08, which isn't much use if you're looking for recent posts on server software!

Anyone seen a portable USB drive formatter?

Submitted by ruthhkenyon on August 7, 2009 - 5:35am

I am on Vista to home, and that is great, as if my flashdrive gets corrupted I just plug it in and it sorts it out. At work however we are on XP, which doesn't do that, and we have old computers which are forever killing flashdrives.

I am FED UP of either having to take my laptop into work, or coming home with a pocketful of everyone else's dead flashdrives to sort out. Is there anything portable out there (no, I can't install on work computers) because apparently we are going Thin Client soon, and even that doesn't have anything either.

MP3 player with album cover support

Submitted by Heliooos on August 7, 2009 - 2:27am

hi all,
I am looking for some nice portable mp3 player able to view album cover like WMP or Amarok for example.

Currently using XMPlay, also tried Coolplayer, portable Winamp etc.

does anybody here know one?

thanks Smile

PS: I have many albums from Jamendo, and I want to create selection on CD with autorun and player and displaying album covers in player would be very nice although it is not necessary.

No splash screen --> mouse wait cursor problem

Submitted by Xandl on August 6, 2009 - 8:01pm

I have a question regarding the no splash screen option.
Turning off the splash screen worked, but instead I get
a mouse wait cursor, after the app started, for about 5 seconds.
I tried this with Sumatra 0.9.4 and WinDirStat,
both with the same result.
This also happens, when the program is started and stopped
a few times in a row, so something should be cached by windows.
I do not know, why there is a mouse wait cursor, because these
are small apps that usually start very fast, and do not do this
without the PA launcher.

Thoughts on removing the Firefox enable vs disable session store on first run

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 4, 2009 - 12:09pm

I'm debating removing the current prompt to enable or disable session store on first run of Firefox Portable. 3.5 has improved performance of the storage on flash drives due to some bug fixes just for Firefox Portable over 3.0. I'm wondering if folks out there are still running it with session store disabled or not. And, if those who have a slower drive and are running it off could try enabling it and see what the performance difference is.


need help (Setting Environmental Variables Temporarily )

Submitted by habenyamin on August 4, 2009 - 3:24am

I searched about it and also I found A lot of using script for Setting Environmental Variables Temporarily at site ( redirect folder)but I don't know why didn't work with Nsis launcher
also here

System::Call 'Kernel32::SetEnvironmentVariableA(t, t) i("APPDATA", "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY")
when run Nsis Launcher with this code Portable APP made setting in AppData
folder again (why didn't make Directly in the $SETTINGSDIRECTORY?)
