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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Portable Ramdrive (is it possible?)

Submitted by lbaty on November 23, 2006 - 6:57pm

I may be dreaming and certainly don't have the expertise to create such a program, however ...

Would it be possible for a stand-alone application to create a virtual drive on the fly (like truecrypt, etc.) which instead of using space on a physical drive, used ram?

Issues I can forsee ...
* Would probably require administrative rights (like truecrypt).
* OS could chose to write some of the info to disk in a swapfile.

PortableApps branded USB flash drive

Submitted by Fay on November 23, 2006 - 3:45pm

Have you considered offering USB flash drives ready-loaded with the new PortableApps Suite(TM)?

I think that would be really cool and a great promotion. I would love to own one. I would also buy them as presents for my friends.

For an initial investment you could derive income to help support the project. You could offer these from this site, and also from sites such as and Amazon.

They would also make great promotional giveaways if jointly branded by a suitable sponsor.

I would go for 1GB, FAT partitioned with plenty of space for user files and extra apps. Packaged with a glossy, one app-per-page leaflet for added acceptability.


Bahamut's picture
Submitted by Bahamut on November 23, 2006 - 2:55pm

How would one disable security on a drive? convert /NoSecurity does this when converting a drive to NTFS, but on a drive that is already formatted with NTFS, is it possible to disable security without risking data loss?

(I'm on a comp with only Guest permissions right now, so I can't try anything)

edit: after further thought, I realize this is probably quite easily done without convert, and done through a Windows utility, but I still don't know to do it.

Xming Can work As Portable Xserver

Submitted by amit_jain on November 22, 2006 - 2:13pm


Xming works nice as a Xserver.
I was myself looking for an portable Xserver.
What I did is installed Xming with fonts on my PC and then copied the run directory to another pc ( on MY USB drive ) and ran xming

IT was great no errors ( till now )
It is small as 10 Mb ( default fonts ) and 30 Mb with fonts

Hope this info helps someone

Amit Jain

Sage Firefox problem

Submitted by nerom on November 22, 2006 - 7:40am

hello everyone!

i have a problem with sage extension for firefox 2.0 portable. every time i run ffp the feeds in sage automatically update. in sage preferences i removed this option. and also noticed that it uses the enitre ffp cache. i also removed the ffp's "clear cache on exit" function - in order to let sage save the feeds content (in order to be able to read them offline) - but unfortunately no chanegs. i have no ideas what to do. also observed several forums but found nothing. pls help me.

John, you should offer small "promo" HTML sample code

Submitted by LynnL on November 21, 2006 - 6:04pm

I'm so pleased with what portaableapps is doing that I'd like to put one of PortableApps' nifty red GIF buttons on my web site to link back to as free promo. You know, like all the "powered by" promo buttons people use for HTML editors or web hosters. I can handle the HTML code, but might as well offer a cut-n-paste example anyway.

For now I'll snarf the "/files/images/homepage/portableapps_homepage_cr-06.gif" image, but it would be nice to have a slightly smaller one which is a bit more aimed at people who have never seen portable apps or heard of the concept.

I like the "Your Digital Life, Anywhere"(TM) - it would make a nice promo button.

U3 or Not

Submitted by romeroom on November 21, 2006 - 10:26am

I would appreciate some help in making a decision about portable hardware. I've been using a regular USB flash drive with many of the applications listed on this site.

I have an opportunity to purchase a U3 drive. As informed as I usually am about these things, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed. Please bear with my ignorance and try to address the following questions:

1. Will I be able to use non-U3 applications on a U3 drive?
2. What are the real benefits of a U3?
3. Are U3 drives faster or slower than regular USB flash drives?
4. Are U3 drives the "wave of the future" and thus non-U3 applications will stop being developed?
